NDI + OBS Setup & Troubleshooting Guide for Windows

Hypno is capable of broadcasting NDI video from its front micro USB port. This allows you to capture, stream and monitor Hypno’s output directly on a PC without additional hardware. That video input can also be routed into OBS, a popular open-source video recording and live streaming program. Follow this guide to set up Hypno with Windows, NDI Tools, and finally OBS.

Items needed:

  • PC running Windows 10 (Windows 7 untested for now but should work ok)
  • Supplied microUSB cable (after market cables may cause power issues if length > 6 ft)
  • Hypno
  • Eurorack power supply or USB power supply (optional)

Software needed:

Setting up and testing your NDI connection:

  1. Install NDI Tools, make sure to check the box for Studio Monitor in the installation configuration!
    NDI Studio Monitor Installation
  2. Connect Hypno to your PC using a microUSB cable from the front USB port and allow Windows to automatically install drivers
    *On some systems it is necessary to install the RNDIS driver. Please follow this detailed guide: Troubleshooting Windows Connection - MOD Wiki
  3. Reboot your PC
  4. Open NDI Tools “Studio Monitor”
  5. Click the top left hamburger menu and select Hypno:main
    Studio Monitor Hypno
  6. Hypno should now be viewable from Studio Monitor

If you’re unable to view Hypno in Studio Monitor or complete the initial connection/installation, you can attempt the following steps:

  • Some USB ports may not deliver enough power for Hypno to run on alone. Try connecting Hypno to a power source, such as the Eurorack power header or the side USB port.
  • Swap for another microUSB cable & make sure the power supplying cable is less than 6ft. (longer cables cause voltage drops)
  • Try installing the RNDIS driver if you have not already done so Troubleshooting Windows Connection - MOD Wiki
  • VPNs may cause issues, disabling them can resolve connectivity problems.
  • In some cases, disabling Windows Defender Firewall for Public Networks resolved connectivity issues. Not recommended when connected to public Wi-Fi networks (school, work, coffee shop).

Setting up OBS to use Hypno’s NDI video source

  1. Complete and verify NDI setup above
  2. Install the latest version of OBS from www.obsproject.com/download (tested working with 26.1.1 as of writing)
  3. Install the latest version of obs-ndi plugin from obs-ndi - NewTek NDI™ integration into OBS Studio | OBS Forums (testing working with 4.9.1 as of this writing)
  4. Next we need to access the individual firewall permissions in Windows through the Start menu
  5. Look for OBS in the list of applications. If “Public” is unchecked next to OBS, click on “Change Settings” and then check the box. Now click OK.
    OBS allow
  6. Open OBS
  7. When adding a new video source, “NDI Source” is now available
    NDI source
  8. After it’s been added, double-click on the NDI Source in the Sources box to bring up the device options. Select HYPNO (main).
  9. Press OK. Hypno should now be viewable in your main output window.

If you have issues using Hypno over NDI in OBS on Windows after following this guide, please bump this thread with a comment! You can also contribute to this thread by sharing your experiences with making OBS and Hypno work together.

Quick tips for OBS and Hypno

  • With no HDMI output connected, Hypno will output 720x480 over NDI. If the HDMI is connected, the NDI output resolution will match the resolution of the HDMI output.
  • You can configure OBS to capture Hypno’s output to any resolution you like in the settings.
  • Use the Transform right-click menu to flip, stretch, fit, rotate and center your image.
  • Experiment with filters from the right-click menu to apply color correction, sharpening, or use masks and keys.
  • Use OBS Virtualcam to send OBS’ output to other recording or processing programs that do not accept NDI OBS Virtualcam | OBS Forums
  • Use NDI virtual input (part of NDI tools) to put Hypno directly into any application that supports webcam input.

Please Note
Hypno Kit built with a Raspberry Pi 4 will not initialize NDI unless an HDMI cable is connected and transmitting signal when the Hypno is powered on.


Thanks for the comprehensive step by step SleepyWinston.
I now have hypno, ableton and obs working together. For those interested in sending your audio from ableton to obs I suggest “reastream” from reaper plug ins which is a free download and works in all daws and obs.


Have you guys got any tips for settings in obs/ndi for optimum recording quality? Thanks

That’s a topic I’ll be covering in a planned thread! Stay tuned.


Also getting a lot of noise when using front port for ndi/obs . Haven’t figured it out yet

This noise seems to be gone now. I think it must be the powered usb hub I added to the mix. I also rearrange my entire set up and used what’s called " star distribution " to power the entire set up. This basically means you use one outlet to power the set up. Use a decent surge protected adapter from the outlet then plug all your other adapters into the first one… I need about 20 sockets so I have 5 (4gang) adapters running off the initial surge protected one. This is supposed to eliminate ground noise… either way that nasty noise is gone. If anyone has similar issues this may help.

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Just had a similar issue when trying to record an AV patch, I was able to fix it by not drawing power from my laptop at all for Hypno by connecting hypno’s hdmi out to a capture card on a powered hub (that also is powering my audio interface) into my Mac.

I believe this issue stems from where the audio interface and hypno are powered. Ive had similar issue with my eurorack before when not even using Hypno and no output module so I think balanced line out may help here? (I haven’t recreated this yet but will keep experimenting)

I think your right about the audio interface and hypno being powered from the same laptop being the culprit.
I did that same fix with the capture card but since I got the powered hub I tried the the ndi out again and it is working fine, no noise! (soundcard usb to laptop hypno usb to powered hub) ! never even considerd the balanced line out, I think that should do the job too by the sound of it.
This ethernet hub mentioned recently should also be a clever work around I guess… Great to have all the options, great work!

Is there a tutorial on how to connect the NDI through Touch Designer? I’m new to the program and don’t know exactly how to use and connect the NDI in/ out appropriately.

If you can view Hypno on NDI Studio Monitor, then the rest is just figuring out how TD brings in NDI. A cursory search on YouTube shows there are some tutorials for this.

Thanks for the response. It happened to be a firewall issue after all.

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NDI working for me on 2.2.3, into windows, no issue.

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Hi all,

Just purchased my Hypno and it works fine when connecting via HDMI to a display.

I am having trouble getting the NDI connection.

I have the PI CM4 w/WS-IO
USB-C Power Input
2x USB-A

I have connected the USB-C Power Input to my desktop - but am not seeing the Hypno in the Network tab. It also is not being picked up as a USB device.

My OBS-NDI works with other devices I have connected, but I am stuck on trying my computer to recognize the Hypno as a network device. Any ideas or suggestions?

I’m running into the same issue on my end with the Pi CM4 - I tried the process of installing the RNDIS driver but the device isn’t even showing up in device manager as a USB or network device.

The Hypno’s PCB USB-C input is power only.

CM4-IO with the adapter in the case does not have a gadget mode port exposed.

PI4’s side USB-C should work fine as ethernet gadget.

When in doubt, connect an ethernet cable.

Does the type c on the cm4 adapter board itself work as a gadget port? The one on Hypno’s mainboard being power only makes sense but I’m still having trouble with NDI even plugging into the adapter board directly.

edit: I’ve ordered a usb to ethernet (for my computer) to see if I can get it talking with ethernet but it would be very handy to be able to connect a single usb instead.

Just tried it and unfortunately it doesn’t appear to work from the CM4 adapter I think its not wired quite right for this gadget mode.