Hypno Ideas/Feedback

I’d love to suggest, though I suspect it may be a tall order, a reaction diffusion system!
I tend to make … sort of migrainy stuff (Druki - YouTube)
and i love playing with the natural patterns that occur from simple reactions/diffusion.
but there is only so far you can drive the feedback, it does amazing things, but-

theres a great write up on hallucinations and what’s happening in our brains if anyone is interested, there is also a great little applet showing a gray scott reaction diffusion system.

they aren’t that heavy on a computer processor (not sure about how hypno would handle it), but would add a whole dimension of new visuals. perhaps as one of the shapes ?
— is that a ludicrous features request :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Absolutely loving the Hypno Ron, amazing work!!


Thought it might have been a bit much. Thanks for the response… sound!

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I would love to see “MIDI over Bluetooth” in the new “Hypno Pro” device… :sweat_smile:

There is no such thing planned, so plz let’s not start any rumors here…

@BlackSun Please keep this thread about the Hypno. If you want to speculate about future products or discuss ideal hardware I agree this is a valuable discussion but I believe this is best for a different thread.

Thanks for your kind words @druki, welcome to the forum!

Reaction Diffusion systems are definitely on my radar (and so are other organic/cellular processes like Physarum simulation).

I’m not sure Hypno will be able to handle synthesizing this without testing more thoroughly so no promises there yet, but its definitely something ill be tryna give more knobs somehow eventually.

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Cool! my fingers are crossed! Just had a read about Physarum simulation, amazing stuff!

That physarum simulation looks amazing. Anything that can lead to sort of interminate interactions with the feedback routing would be :kissing_smiling_eyes:🤌

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Could be cool to have — BLUR / SHARPEN — as additional states on the FEEDBACK page.


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Don’t have one yet and not read manual, but do you have a RANDOM patch creation option! i.e. button press to randomly generate settings.

… or as been approached earlier via recording sets to USB… guess this naturally morphs into PRESETS (but you have that already?).

Random Patch isn’t available at the moment however I am considering how to put it into the UI since I like the idea. I am currently focused on working on features that solidify intentionality in the UX so it will prob come a lil later.

(I jokingly call this feature the main selling point of ET’s Structure and I do enjoy upping the competition with the updates hehe)

Preset functionality is reasonably powerful at this point, please check out manual docs.sleepycircuits.com before posting here @Meek since this would be a bit more constructive ( tho, if you have a question like this in future feel free to just write us in the chat and you will get a quicker response!)

@rentalunit5 blurs/sharpens are challenging since kernel functions (considering pixel neighborhoods) like this are very processing intensive. I don’t think these are high on the priority list yet, but I am definitely interested in adding these, it just would take a fat chunk of engineering time.


Having Filters would indeed be very cool. :bulb:

With Pi4 the RamGB may allow for it… :thinking:

I’ve had a lot of time to think about Hypno lately because I’m using it as a centerpiece in my live rig. This post ended up being much longer than I intended, but here are some requests, suggestions, and other ideas…

  1. Scaled scrolling speed at high frequency - when the shapes are at their high/maximum frequency, their range for scrolling speed isn’t scaled to their size, causing them to appear slower moving across the screen

  2. Improved rotation of external sources - loading images (band logos and other imagery) from USB is one of my main uses for Hypno now, so being able predictably position the shape is important to my use case. For external images and videos (including USB video capture input), it would be ideal if the knob was interpreted a bit more literally, i.e. 12o’clock is always zero rotation offset (making full CW and CCW always 180 degrees or whatever). If you think about it, many of the other spatial controls behave like this. Furthermore, I think the shape should automatically return to zero rotation when auto rotation is turned off. To make it less jarring on screen, the external shape should snappily travel back to center (as opposed to an instantaneous change when modulation is disabled).

  3. Return to center after scrolling for external sources - again, for USB file/input mode, it makes practical sense for the shape to re-center its position once scrolling is disabled. There is no manual/easy way to bring the image/video back to center after using the scroll modulation. Would also benefit from a quick travel back to 0 instead of immediately snapping.

  4. Improved zoom for external sources - one more for spatial tweaks, I wish zoom had a more clearly defined 100% position. As it is now, bringing the slider all the way down is actually slightly zoomed in (looks like 110-120%), and it’s impossible to bring the slider up to the precise spot to have zero zoom applied. I personally never zoom in on anything past 100% because it tends to make external sources look pretty low quality, so I would be perfectly OK if the slider down position was zero zoom.

  5. Externally addressing file and folders - Suggesting one more time, file and folder selection with MIDI CC would be a dream for me! The goal here is to trigger specific images or videos with a MIDI pad controller during performance. 128 folders x 128 files each is over 16,000 files so that should be enough for just about anyone :wink:

  6. Ability to load two images - Self explanatory, just want to load a different image on each shape independently. I’m willing to become a Hypno Gold :tm: subscriber for this functionality.

  7. Improved keying for USB files/video input - I’m not convinced that having a min and max controls for the luma key is totally necessary, in fact I find it rather difficult to use. I think I would much rather have a single knob that does white luma keying from 12 to full CW, and black luma keying from 12 to full CCW. This would potentially resolve the confusing behavior using the luma key when going from positive to negative gain.

  8. Colorize for external sources - Many of my external sources are black and white or have a low amount of color, so they don’t benefit from changing hue with Hypno. If you had an extra control to assign, such as if you downsized luma keying to a single control, a full on colorize feature that can convert brightness to different palettes would be a good choice to fill that macro!

  9. Add a radial line shape - I always loved the radial polarization in the early Hypno days… bring this back as its own shape :smiley:

  10. Replace “hue shift” effect with hue cycling modulation - Cycling the hue for the shapes gives a pretty similar effect to the feedback as the hue shift effect, however I think hue cycling would be infinitely more useful.


Those are some awesome suggestions thanks @Winston! Here are a few select replies, since some of these features are already on my list to implement.

  1. I have tried this but never got a scalar i was satisfied with but youre right I should revisit this its always bothered me too.
  2. / 3. But still you mean it should snap (or “smooth snap” somehow) for rotation (and scroll on input shape)? Making scrolling snap reduces functionality since does not allow the shapes to be still and offset at the same time so I am a bit wary of making this change but yeah i agree that with the video in its a bit awk to have the video slightly offset like that.
  3. This is a great idea, love it! I’m gonna try to do exactly this, I agree that full range lumakey isn’t totally necessary in practice.
  4. I agree more palettes are desirable and colorization is absent in the feature set (as far as classic video effects). I will keep thinking on this one.
  5. I’m not sure what the controls would look like for this, open to suggestions for that, or maybe we can collapse this into half of the polarization knob or something.

so to clarify, the two things i’m suggesting here are:

a) Rotation follows the position of the knob literally (12 o’clock is no rotation) just to make things a tiny bit more intuitive
b) Auto rotation and auto scroll “return to 0” after being disengaged

both in context of the USB file/input shape only, not the normal shapes

in reference to snapping, what I mean is that if “return to 0” is implemented, the shapes could quickly travel back to default position instead of “snapping” back to default. in other words, if my shape is at 90 degrees when i stop modulation, it will quickly travel those 90 degrees back to 0. might be slightly less jarring. in either case, only matters for USB input


you could basically replace the current image-file knob macros with this, i think!

one CC/knob for folder 1-128
one CC/knob for file 1-128

folders and files read alphabetically

folders can be a mix of videos or images

once you’re in a folder, you need only change the file CC/knob to bring up different images or videos in that folder

any files beyond 128 in a folder not read
any folders beyond 128 on a disk not read

the eventual goal is to use a MIDI controller to trigger specific files.

as an example, i have a beatstep pro that i’m using in my live rig. ideally, i would set up the top 8 pads to send CCs for folders 1-8, and the bottom 8 pads to send CCs for files 1-8. that alone would allow me to trigger 64 different files during a performance, which is probably enough to project logos and art for a few bands


sorry i meant that reply for the radial polarization i got confused in the numbers.

But yeah thats what i’m planning for file knobs basically, trying to include external sources in that somehow also. Presets already can recall whatever video you want via midi btw but yeah this should be midi mapped.

Yeah, presets don’t really work for my use case because they change the whole patch. I want to keep working within my patch, and just load a different image.

Actually I was thinking you could just add it as a shape of its own :man_shrugging:

Bonus: when you apply polarization, it turns into a spiral :smiling_imp:

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Oh, can you also port DOOM to Hypno? Kthx


Just realized that this would allow a user to implement an image animation sequence using MIDI LFOs to scan through a folder of up to 127 frames (I say 127 because CC value 0 should be no image IMO…)

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