Hypno Ideas/Feedback

Don’t know if this if possible and/or how it could be implemented, but I would love to be able to turn off/on certain shapes when using the gate inputs. It could be cool to just go back and forth between 2 shapes or whatever number of the shapes you wanted. I’ve often been using a webcam and doing feedback visuals and it looks great cycling through until it gets to the video input. That feedback is great in some cases, but usually not so much in this one.


implement an image animation sequence

Midi maps for the video pages are now live in the new firmware, hope you get a chance to try doin this!

I would love to be able to turn off/on certain shapes when using the gate inputs

Liking this idea! but im not sure how to implement UI for something like this, maybe the triggers should just skip teal? or do something else in the video shape like advance to next file index?


Yeah just skipping teal was my initial thought; that would solve the one problem and probably not be as hard to accomplish. Turning off/on certain shapes was more of a bonus idea that came after, but I agree/acknowledge there’s no way to do that with the UI.

I haven’t used Hypno with stored pictures / video yet, just the webcam so I cannot give any suggestions in that regard. Well I also once connected a Keystep and successfully mapped some parameters to the knobs. Struggling with a couple other things, but I’ll try to search for the answers and pose the questions in the appropriate place or send a message.

There’s no editing posts, right? Sorry I want to correct myself by saying that I have no idea how hard that would be to do. But also that there is no problem at all that needs to be addressed.

The functionality is fine as is and there are definitely flaws with my idea. And while the specific use case I mentioned before often doesn’t look good, depending on (other / self) modulation it can.

im not sure how to implement UI for something like this

Would it be possible to update the MIDI map to have one CC per shape per side? Then it would be up to the user to implement a sequence over those codes… existing CC and controls could do what they do so nothing is “turned off” really, just differently accessible.


I like that idea! I’m a bit wary of adding these sort of midi only features tho since that can be a bit cryptic, def would be pretty convenient tho, perhaps just direct shape selection with the midi note on messages rather than CC?

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If you use a note, you will effectively reduce the preset storage capacity, no? What’s wrong with CC?

Maybe this’ll remove some wariness though… One method of implementing this on-device could be through a series of button presses; think like a Mortal Kombat combo or similar. The timing may be tricky to not introduce lag into existing expectations of button presses, but e.g. Hold Left, Middle, Right it could bring up Sin, Hold Left, Middle, Middle could be Tan, and so on for the left side and the inverse for the right side.

This seems (to me) to be congruent with current UX, wherein holding the indicated button allows advanced function utilization. To my knowledge, quick button presses are not physical controls utilized within any Oscillator page. Combined holds and long presses yes… I also think this control pattern extends easily to Feedback mode as well.

Obviously this isn’t usable to switch quickly between modes, but it would allow for you to easily change to a desired mode, which I think is the intent. Some practice, which we all do anyway to find proficiency with this device, and timing should not be a problem. For more precise automation, MIDI has to be used anyway for any of the advanced features, right?

CC is fine I just figured triggers and events make more sense as a note message, midi is a lil wild west for video. Could just swap the black notes that triggers shapes in the top octave, that wouldn’t touch the preset slots.

As much as I love fighting games, I doubt most people can even hadouken reliably lol, longer button sequences seem kinda unsatisfying to switch shapes to me, id rather just spam the button and count in my head like I do now.

Also quick button presses when holding a button are assigned to the button patching mutes unless I’m misunderstanding.

Its fine in just the midi its just that feature creep is kinda endless in that realm…


Makes sense, and definitely understand!

The existing assignments are why I mentioned timing in my suggestion, to determine if a single press (to toggle mutes) or a sequence (to change directly to osc shape) are entered.

Long time listener first time caller. Love the Hypno have used it almost everyday since I got it. Mostly use it for watching movies, set it to mild and there’s just enough tinge to keep it interesting. (read as: trippy)

Most of these suggestions are going to based on going from 2.1.5 to 2.2.2 firmware, some of which may have already been addressed, such as moving the X/Y Crop functions in 2.2.3

EDIT: Turns out should have played 2.2.3 before I made this post, many things have already been addressed.

  1. While using Video Input, if the frequency slider is all the way down, the video looks like it’s been zoomed in 10% to avoid copyright on youtube. You can get around this by raising the slider 10% but it would be better if ‘All the way down’ was ‘fit to screen’.

  2. Aspect correct, Zoom, X crop, and Y crop
    In 2.2.3 Zoom is a dedicated feature on the slider, and aspect correction is on a knob, those are pretty neat.
    However, In version 2.15 I used X-crop a lot, like a lot. It could give you a “twinning” effect that was super useful for a lot of things, buildings, people etc. Y-crop on the other hand I havent found a lot of uses for, maybe landscapes. Worst of all in 2.22 X-crop was replaced with Zoom.
    (EDIT 2: After playing with Advanced Shapes I fully understand why the set up was changed. Advanced shapes brings so many possibilities.)

tldr; Put Zoom on the nob and bring back the classic X-Crop for Videos

  1. Vertical Scroll
    Added in 2.2.3, probably the feature I wanted most and now its there, totally ok with it replacing Polarize on Videos

̶4̶.̶ ̶M̶i̶d̶i̶ ̶C̶h̶a̶n̶n̶e̶l̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶L̶u̶m̶a̶-̶k̶e̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶v̶i̶d̶e̶o̶ ̶i̶n̶p̶u̶t̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶o̶l̶s̶
Checked the Midi Channels for 2.2.3 and it’s already there, you guys are doing great.

  1. Shape A/B Patch Gain Curve
    Turning off Shape B, set it to scroll slowly, and patching into Shape A is my bread and butter for Video Input, it makes the movie wiggly and wavy a breeze.
    However, most of the time I set the gain to only 0.01 off of the center indent, anything more than that is often WAY too much.
    It would be nice to have more room to adjust shape to shape patch gain at low amounts.
    tldr; Shape Patch Gain would be better as a Linear curve than a Logarithmic one?

  2. Video Lag on Video Games
    Ok I know you guys are working on frame rate already. In most cases Hypno clocks about a full second slow, so I just wanted to put it out there that the lag while watching a movie is fine because you’re not really interacting with it.
    However, you can have a lot of fun playing, Mario Cart through the Hypno if someone is messing with the Luma Key while you’re driving and the racetrack disappears from under you, but the 1000ms ping does hinder quick decision making. While on the other hand playing something low maintenance like Animal Crossing can also get you some nice results.
    tldr; Have you tried Hypno with Video Games yet? :grinning:

Love the Hypno, looking forward to everything SleepyCircuits does. Thank you for making this device so user friendly and accessible in the esoteric sea of Video Synthesis

:anatomical_heart: A/V SynthClub


This. This is by far the biggest shortcoming with the Hypno. I almost returned mine when I realized this wasn’t available. I got it working with MIDI, but it’s a hassle to have to use MIDI for such a basic feature. It’s a video synth, changing colors is kind of a big deal. Ideally, I would love to be able to reassign a CV input for hue as well, but I’m guessing there’s a technical reason this isn’t possible, or it would have been included from the start.

Spent my first week with Hypno and had these few ideas:

-Add more noise modes

-More feedback modes ? Like maybe some more reaction diffusion type stuff or a voronoi ?

-Oscillographics mode that takes in external audio ?

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Yes please…I love how many presets we can store but trying to avoid every f# g# a# all the way up the scale is a minor nightmare on a grid keyboard (deluge sequencer).

Idea: Button combination on startup to change output to analog on pi4b? I’m always experimenting with my setup and routing configurations so it would be awesome to have an easy way to switch to the analog output.

If this is impractical, a way to use both HDMI outputs so we could convert one to analog?

You may be able to quantize your grid controllers to C major which should only give you preset keys.

The 2 hdmi outputs are not available on every pi so not something i was planning to support, I can look into it tho, quickest way to do what you are saying is pickup a hdmi splitter and convert one of the splits to composite with another lil box.

Could you make a user scale to not include those notes ?

A user recently sent a support email and requested Hypno’s MIDI channel be editable (currently fixed on channel 16). Posting here for posterity and to gauge general interest.


Would love this since my novation circuit can output on every channel except 16 and I think the two would make a great pair

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I’d like an on/off switch. I have a Hypno with the CM4-WS. Apart from the usb-c port being not easily accessible, as it’s recessed in the enclosure somewhat, and makes turning it on and off more fiddly than I’d like, I’m not sure that cutting power abruptly is the best way of powering off the device. I haven’t read extensively online but what I have read suggests that the Pi should go through a shutdown routine before removing the power supply. Perhaps there’s no real need?

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It would be really great to be able to select specific shapes directly via MIDI, instead of having to cycle through all them.

I don’t think this is possible yet, unless I’ve missed that feature.

Similarly: it would be great to be able to save a preset with only specific shapes “active”, so that the CV trigger could cycle through e.g. just 3 shapes, or flip between 2 shapes. If this is already possible I’ve missed it in the manual.