Hypno Ideas/Feedback

This is the gold right here. Being able to backup and restore presets to usb would be great.


How would backing up to a USB drive be handled from a UX perspective? Some other button combo to trigger it, or automatic based on detection of something on the drive, or?

MIDI is certainly ideal for switching between that many presets in a live context where you wouldnā€™t want text popping up, especially if youā€™re already using some sort of MIDI sequencing brain to change presets on other devices.

Personally, Iā€™d just like a more convenient way to do it in the studio / at home while designing and coming up with ideas, since I can fill all 3 slots quickly just with variations of one idea. Without another device taking up a larger footprint, since the size of Hypno is part of the appeal to me, especially considering it can mount directly into a Eurorack case and be part of a portable setup in a single box that I can use on my couch if I want. Iā€™m just all about trying to consolidate amount of separate things I need table/rack space for, while also staying DAWless (already stuck working with computers all day for regular job; sucks my creative juices)

I suppose Iā€™m a bit niche in that regard, so I understand hesitation in catering specifically to that. If there were maybe a USB host/hub dongle that just had a small USB-MIDI chip and some inline buttons (like on a headset, but probably a bit chunkier) on it to help navigate/manage more presets, and also host a UVC input device, Iā€™d gladly purchase that before purchasing/repurposing a whole MIDI controller just for this. Or even just a dongle with such controls that Iā€™d then plug into my own very small hub.

vcmc does look cool, but Iā€™d need to already want to use it for other things in order to justify the HP consumption (and price)

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Not sure what a backup implementation will look like so I donā€™t want to commit to anything yet ā€¦ but yeah as automatic as possible ideally.

The 3 preset limitation is intended to be a creative one (since this is hardware after all) so the midi implementation was a sort of compromise to allow people who really absolutely cant live without more presets to be able to access more. The physical UI doesnā€™t do a good job of accommodating more presets in my opinion but I will keep thinking if I can figure out an elegant way of enabling this.

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Thatā€™s a fair point about creative limitation. Iā€™m certainly not bothered by the 0 presets of my Eurorack :rofl:

Imo though with all the self-patching being done in software via button combos, itā€™s pretty confusing to quickly navigate and remember what Iā€™m doing, let alone quickly recall something I did previously. Compared to, like, physically patching a cable and being able to see the patch. That physicality sinks into my brain more easily, whereas this is kinda abstract and a bit of learning curve for me. I suppose in that regard, the preset limit will force either learning/memorizing the combos and ā€œpagesā€, or being comfortable with just messing with things kinda randomly until I like the way it looks.

I did know of the 3 preset limit and workflow and everything prior to purchasing though, and still felt it was absolutely worth the purchase. This request is mostly wishful thinking on my behalf.

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Hey guys. Been thinking about a hypno UI desktop editor. Is this a possibility at some point?
For example, sometimes I would like to only use 2 shapes on each oscillator and dont want to cycle through all the other shapes. If we had a basic desktop editor we could swap in and out what ever shapes we needā€¦ could maybe add other variations for the other parameters too, more spice without overloading hypno? I dunno is this asking alot ?

Iā€™m not sure why thereā€™s not more clamoring for it, but the main feature I think is missing is automating hue shift from the unit directly. Seems like holding down any of the buttons (feedback?) while moving the hue knob should do it.

Itā€™s such a common effect that I actually spent a long time trying to figure out how to do it, assuming Iā€™d just missed it.

Iā€™d rather not hook it up to another device just for this one feature, and especially losing the USB input too.

I love my Hypno and this one thing would make it perfect to me.


FYI: Iā€™m using the MIDI CC capabilities of my deluge (audio synth) to control and automate the HUE settings (MIDI CC1, CC9 & CC17) via a usb hub (to use also the video input feature).

I would love to be able to automate/SELF-MOD the different HUE settings directly on the HYPNO. Good idea. :+1:

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This is asking quite a bit and there is a limited amount of dev power we have at the moment so we are not planning a desktop editor ( Its only myself doing the hardware and software development at the moment with others helping manage support and promo)

Additionally it takes a whole lot of time to dev/support any kind of editor that is targeted for a different platform (and keeping track of any bugs updates may introduce in some of these often updated desktop OSes).

This is why we will be sticking to developing solutions that are meant to be controlled via the hardware.

If something really needs to be controlled via desktop, I would label this as something that is out of scope for Hypno and best handled by the many wonderful Desktop app options out there (Lumen, Max, Notch, Touchdesigner etc).

That being said I am considering adding certain niche internal options (like forcing resolutions) to be controlled via user editable json, but this isnā€™t a solid plan yet so no promises there.


to be controlled via user editable json

Yup this is the stuff. I would love to see this! What are your thoughts about the functionality you are going to expose with this?

I dont have a solid idea on this yet, i dont want the user to have to change this very often so this will likely be very situational compatibility stuff such as forcing a resolution or forcing only composite/hdmi to work

  • you could program a web interface for it.
    that could be a workaround for the problem with the different OSes.
  • you could (re)open the code to use the knowledge and skill of your community (open source) ā€¦maybe only partially or ask for help to build a ā€œcommunity dev teamā€ (without paying, only devoted fans)
  • I like the editable json idea.

Any plans to extend the MIDI implementation to include Video input controls on a per oscillator basis?

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  • Why does Hypno need a web interface?
  • Are you this web developer that would be interested in spending time on this? (If so we would need a pilot and leader for the project and you should contact me directly)

I prefer to pay people for their work and have quality additions to the product rather than time being wasted with a mishmash of people asking me questions about how to get the existing product cheaper. This was my experience when I had some of this product open source before. Unless there is an incentive structure in place to keep this tendency in check I see open sourcing any part of the project as a detriment to the success of Hypno since there is only so much time I have in the day and that time is better spent working on Hypno than helping people clone my existing work in an attempt to undermine the business.

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Yeah those controls will be mapped in a future update.


Thanks for the thoughts Ron! In addition to forcing resolution or input, might you consider the following?

  • Set a startup preset (as opposed to the overlapping red & white bars) by ID (button 1, 2, 3, or MIDI preset note name)
  • Set a startup preset by inputting variables directly per parameter
  • Front CV (and corresponding input) remapping to different controls
  • Alternatively, different CV and input mappings for even more versatile front-panel control
  • Input range / sensitivity modification

Regarding the web interface / open source I am only speaking for myselfā€¦ Iā€™m interested though. Iā€™m a software engineer at the day job, and happy to help a bit with a web interface or otherwise. I have a Hypno already and donā€™t think your pricing is out of line (though Eurorack generally is an expensive hobby) and still would dig some OSS efforts here to help push for greater configurability sooner. I definitely understand not wanting to get saddled with that burden however.

To be clear: I didnā€™t wrote that you need a web interface.
If you donā€™t want to program a version for every operating systemā€¦ the web interface would be a possible solution. I didnā€™t mean to say anything more.

Still, I would like to answer your question.
These are possible reasons for a web interface (for Hypno):

  • load/save presets (export, import)
  • change initial preset
  • change input mapping
  • change behavior of specific settings (inputs, modes, presets)
  • change MIDI settings (receiving channel, sending channel, resolution)
  • load/save a custom (user) shape/s
  • lock your Hypno (prevent settings from being changed)
  • remote control via www (the VJ can working from home now! only the DJ is sweating in the club)
  • integrate a video preview

These are points that came to my mind spontaneously.
Give me more time and Iā€™ll find more opportunitiesā€¦

Iā€™m not a developer, but I can help find one.

open source:
It reads like youā€™ve already had a lot of negative experiences. Iā€™m sorry to read this (if Iā€™m right).
I can well imagine that you reach your own limits very quickly with such a big project.
I just want to help and certainly not steal anything.
Please forgive me if I have torn old wounds or anything like this.

The biggest question is: Who is your target group?
If you want to address beginners, I understand the argument that the price point is relatively too high. Otherwise, I am not worried about itā€¦

These are all great ideas!

I like the startup preset idea and sensitivity modifications

Inputting presets manually is already in beta testing

I am not sure that remapping the Hypno extensively will cause anything but confusion but ill have to give this some thought, already had some ideas on this in hardware UI itself.

oh great! I appreciate that you may be interested in helping with that, yeah handling a web app design/development process would be a whole thing in its own and there are a few things fighting for my attention with the hardware situation and a few things would be good to have that I just canā€™t get to, but I think it would need some leader/someone with some wire framing/design skill. Maybe this is a topic that would be great for a channel in our chat. (BTW This is something I anticipate Sleepy will have to hire for eventually when hopefully this chip shortage stabilizes a bit so we know what to expect, especially since we have a few web tools nowā€¦)

Gotcha thanks for clearing that up I admittedly just kinda jumped at answering your concerns.

Good stuff, thank you for your thoughts.

re Video Viewer: I already consider OBS the best open source solution for this with a great feature set.
re Remote Control, while in theory you could do that yes but realistically this would take all of the time (read: live/music) aspect out of it both technologically and theoretically, maybe for future space visualists for EDM band but thats a bit impersonal for my taste.

Oh and yes please do find more developers! I would love to work with some more developers interested in this stuff, hopefully in a more project-based professional capacity.

Then please create a forum post for each specific job (developer, social media manager, etc.) youā€™re looking for that lists exactly what you need.

Otherwise itā€™s unrealistic that anyone would care.
A few key points for a developer:

  • which progamming skills are necessary (prgramming language and specific programs, databases, etc. you use)?
  • how many working hours per week?
  • language skills? (only English?)
  • working on-site or remote possible?
  • references / job experience?
  • how big is the team?
  • what are my responsibilities?
  • who are you (sleepy circuits)?
  • how should I apply?
  • salary?
  • describe the ā€œend usersā€

ā€¦and so on.
I think it should be clear what I try to say.

I could also see config file used to hold e.g. an array of preset objects with their various parameters defined (or not!)ā€¦

Would this make sense to pre-load or concatenate to the list of presets stored?

Think of like preset import/export, via config fileā€¦ something to not require a UI to handle.