Hi Ron, continuing from my other thread, here is one of the images I was having trouble with loading on this firmware. BMP wasn’t supported for attachment here, but I can email you the 32-bit transparent BMP I was trying as well if you’d like. Is transparency something you expect to work? I wasn’t sure if it would since JPEG doesn’t support transparency and common BMP formats don’t either, but I expected this non-transparent image to work. Also I had it saved with .JPG as the extension, not sure if that matters; I think I saw it included in a list of supported extensions on the release notes when I downloaded the firmware.
Anyways, I’ll try out those sample files and see if maybe it’s some other issue on my end.
edit: OK, I reformatted the USB stick (same sandisk cruzer blade 16gb, model SDCZ50-016G-B35) with exfat still, 32kb allocation unit size), loaded both sample files, and my own image. Turned on helper text, and attached stick. I saw the cube briefly and text indicated the cube file loaded, but then the cube disappeared after a second or two and there is no longer the extra shape LED color. Will try reformatting again and only putting the sample images. If that doesn’t work, I’ll try NTFS and FAT32. Will report back after testing.
Thanks will try this image right now. Just to be clear, inserting the cube mp4 only loads the video then the teal shape page disappears again?
FAT32 will probably be most consistent of the bunch though I tested exfat and it appeared to work fine on my end.
I was able to recreate issues with image loading on this build i think there may have been a weird issue when I exported above firmware image, checking on this now.
same results on exFAT 32kb allocation unit with only the 2 sample files NTFS 4096 byte allocation unit: no new shape or text indicating it loaded, but Polarization B changed after a few seconds for some reason FAT32 8192 byte allocation unit: This works, I can see the cube! But only the animated cube works. Triangle image does not work, and none of my own images work. I tried putting only images on the drive and it still “loads” them and the 6th shape is selectable, but no image displays. I can index through them, but the helper text is very garbled and disappears very quick, so hard to tell what I’m even selecting. I noticed this as well when I just had the cube and triangle loaded, cube video was fine and displayed the filename when indexing, but triangle image was blank and garbled text.
edit: Ahhh, I see you’re finding issues with images as well. That’s OK for me; I have some cool apps I can use to make fun animations out of my images, which I planned to do anyways. I figured images would be easier to test with first lol. Also now that I think about it, yeah, fat32 generally is the most compatible with various systems. I think this drive actually defaults to that when I go to format it.
Sounds good! Tag me if you want me to test any fixes or anything before publishing. I’ll be unavailable on the 18th/19th (traveling for this gig), but outside of that I’ll be happy to do more testing. Really great timing that this firmware came out right as I’m finally getting back into all this (all my creative stuff went on hold after house flooded earlier in the year; dealing with insurance and contractors was a nightmare, but I’m finally past it all). btw, really glad the helper text made it into one of the updates since I last used this; really really great to have a reference for exactly what I’m modifying when I touch things, especially since video isn’t my main focus usually
Sorry to hear about the flooding, thats rough … Glad you’ve got that situation more or less sorted and are back in video world!
Glad you’re into the help mode! It was requested a lot and I’m hoping to keep pushing it until it starts to function as a sort of “on board manual”. Should prove to be useful for file browsing in the future too.
Thanks for the offer to test more it is much appreciated! I think I just found the bug w the images so I will be uploading a new image to the link above very soon! (Will make another post here when it is finished being uploaded)
Are you using the USB port on the front of the Hypno? Every time I’ve updated the firmware, I’ve spent an hour or two struggling because I misread step 6 of the instructions to mean front USB on my PC lol. RPiboot didn’t detect it either until I realized I needed to plug into the other port. Then I had another issue where it kept failing immediately because I was pulling the image off a network drive.
Ok, just finished updating and testing; images are working as expected now! Even the 32-bit transparent BMP loads, although it doesn’t handle the transparency well. I realize now though that transparency is pointless and a black background is all that’s needed
Are you able to play two movies at once or is it only one side at a time? But so far it is working very well on the one side and thanks for the color refresh.
2 videos at once is not tested and would take more dev time to implement, though I wouldn’t get my hopes up too high for this tiny processor its already handling quite a bit and I’m not so sure it would work in a workable framerate.
Overall, this looks great! A few issues I’ve noticed:
When I turn on polarization for image shapes, the aspect ratio of the resulting shape is not always a circle, depending on the image aspect ratio.
The PDF manual linked at Hypno Manual - Sleepy Circuits doesn’t mention the image/video shape in the “Shape A” box on page 1.
It would be nice to see some tiling options for video sources. Right now, they’re mirrored in the x+y dimensions, but it would be nice to be able to tile them without any mirroring, so they don’t flip!