Video Input - Hypno 2.0 Firmware

Can you please list a series of steps, from boot to crash, that reproduces the crash? What does the Hypno show when a crash happens? Does it restart? Does it show the console? How is the Hypno powered in this situation?

Does your HDMI output work in a stable way with a monitor?

Different HDMI inputs should not change the performance of Hypno unless there is something very seriously crossed on the laptop HDMI connector. The laptop should be using the output as an external monitor that is the expected functionality.

Basically this:

  1. Plug Hypno into power source- I am using the stock power supply that looks like an Apple charger
  2. Dim green boot light comes on, Hypno starts running in the console
  3. (HDMI is plugged into computer, then plugged into HDMI streaming card, which is plugged into a USB A female-microUSB adaptor)
    Plug the micro USB connector into the front jack as Hypno boots
  4. Hypno will:
    4A. instant-crash and attempt to reboot,
    4B. boot to red lights, the left light turns video-blue, and then Hypno crashes and attempts to reboot
    4C. actually boot up with the video-blue light on the left and work as expected (only with Mac as a source thus far)

If the USB adaptor is plugged into the front panel before Hypno is plugged into power (regardless of OS), Hypno instant-crashes on boot and gets stuck in a boot loop.

When Hypno crashes, it always attempts to reboot. I usually see the rainbow all-the-colors panel before the console appears during boot, as well.

The HDMI ports on both computers have been tested with regular monitors and work without issue.

This is using Windows 10 1909 18363.1256 or macOS 10.14 Mojave.

Oh gotcha thanks for that,

If Hypno is power cycling this means there is an issue with the power supply, the software engine isn’t crashing in this case, otherwise you would end up back in the console without a power cycle.

Most likely, when Hypno boots up the engine and starts working the processor and its asking for more current than your setup is able to supply which triggers a reset on the power supply.

What is your power source in this situation? Is it just the laptop USB port? Or is it connected to a wall AC to USB adapter?

Please give this a go and let me know how it goes.

I recommend a 2A usb wall plug or battery bank and plugging this additional power on the side USB if plugging directly into a laptop via the front port.

Some laptops don’t allow enough current for Hypno since the official 2.0 USB specification is imprecise with power requirements.

Thanks for this, Ron! I am just using the stock wall wart included with Hypno, however- not laptop power. Would it need more juice than that? I also noticed that different outlets made a difference. Hypno would not boot with certain outlets, and booted per usual with others. Could it be like a really small power difference that could cause this error? So that sometimes it’s enough and it works, and other times it’s just under the right amount?

To be honest I have never seen this happen with a Hypno. I didn’t test all the wall warts when I sold them one by one since they are ordered straight from another manufacturer that QCs that product. BUT I have never had a problem and I use that model a lot around the house, even running lights in some situations.

You may also try a battery bank / different wall wart?

If its true what you’re saying and you are getting different results with different outlets then there may be an issue somewhere else in your power situation. (In your AC mains which is not something I am qualified to advise on)

Are you able to get more reliable performance out of your unit now? If you do think its your Hypno that is faulty please email and we can arrange a repair/replacement and leave this thread for 2.6 related software issues.

Thanks for this update. Video input is super fun.

I was wondering about settings jumping.
Everytime I use a page by holding down a button, all the settings except the middle two knobs will jump if the knobs or sliders are different from what the page had as settings before. If I change something’s position while on the page, and then release the button the main settings can jump to what the new position is as well. This is really frustrating when trying to perform live, or even just dial in a patch, presets can be easily ruined quickly this way too. Please have all settings latch like the middle two knobs as an option in future firmware.

For now I can’t trust Hypno’s performance to use it dynamically live. The workaround is I have to dial something in on a preview monitor and only make changes when Hypno isn’t in the live program.


@Dr_Rek You’re saying that simply holding down a button to enter a page changes that page’s knobs?

Did this start happening with this update or was this the case before?

Im starting to feel there is some weird bug going on here I’m going to have to dig more into, since my dev unit doesn’t show this behavior.

(FYI the hue knob doesn’t latch, its a cyclical control so its physical position is always valid.)

I am saying that the physical knob and slider positions will change the page or main settings when I don’t intend them too. It’s a very circuit bent vibe to the UI, and not ideal for real time changing of settings in an intentional manner. If the settings on a page or main would all latch they would only change when a user wants them too. It’s not a bug, it’s an issue I’ve discussed with your Instagram account before as well, prevalent since the previous firmware.

Yes, ok, gotcha so the issue has been around. It’s not the design’s intent, all controls are intended to stay put until the user changes said control past a defined deadzone and the control jumps to the knob’s value. The only knob that is different is the return on the gain knob which has a “catching” knob when returning to the main UI only.

Im trying to figure out what steps I can do to reproduce the issue on my end so I can fix it. Can you please post a list of steps that I can take in the UI from boot and the expected vs actual output? or perhaps you could try the below steps and let me know what you observe.

This is how I intend the UI to work and how it currently works on my end:

  1. I hold A shape’s button to enter page ( no change in the output)
  2. While holding, I move the left slider to start scrolling modulation (scrolling starts)
  3. I release the button to exit page ( no change in the image )

In this situation is A Shape’s frequency changed on your unit? Are other parameters effected?

Interesting. After some more tests today and your explanation, it could be bugs indeed. It happens a lot for the top two middle knobs on pages and main. Less often for the sliders and top outside knobs. It could also be the momentary buttons getting accidentally released or glitching that they are released for a moment. I’ll try to document what I can when I can. :blush::vulcan_salute:

Ah yes, please do that would be a great help.

I also noticed the buttons are prone to release, I also suspect that sometimes this trips me or others up. Also buttons may be less reliable with age I’m realizing now so may exacerbate this problem (though I may just be paranoid idk)

I’m considering doing some countermeasure on this like a tiny delay when exiting page to prevent bounces.

So I used the video input for a live set last Saturday. It worked well, but the settings jumping issue was intense. Video input dual button page would almost always cause the settings on the main page to jump, even when both buttons are definitely pressed down, for every setting. In reverse as well, pressing down both buttons would change all the input settings to what ever every control is, which was really frustrating for dialing in the video input settings. Same issue applies for all the pages too, but not as consistently frustrating. I think this all would be smoother using a midi controller, but that’s not possible at the same time. I am curious if you are considering a pi4 upgrade kit like Structure is? I noticed the pi3 is easy to access when I updated my Hypno. I don’t know that would help with usb bandwidth, but it might help with frame rate on more complex patches?

Hypno runs on Pi compute module 3+, and there is no possible pi upgrade path hardware wise (+ I expect sourcing the new CM4 modules will remain close to impossible through summer 2021)

Had some more time today. Tried not to get lost :sweat_smile: and managed to do some testing.

Starting with just the left oscillator patched, sine selected, slider at notch, no modulation, rotation 11 o’clock, polariser fully CCW, straight lines on the output.
While left button is pressed, applying minimal fractal amount, and fully positive fractal mod.
Releasing left button. In approx. 2 sec the maximum polar amount is applied without touching anything.

Recreated on the second oscillator. It just seems to take significantly longer for the controls to jump in this case.

Also happens for the out knobs. Tested by applying feedback rotation to diagonal lines. After leaving the page the original lines jump to a different orientation. The jump here isn’t as pronounced but it is there.

Happens on the feedback knob too. Started with feedback fully CW. On the feedback page, I turn the knob to 12 o’clock. Releasing the button, few seconds pass, output is black.

I haven’t been able to recreate it with the hue knob so far. It seems to be unaffected.

It seems to have to do with how the inputs are polled.
I also noticed that the rotation cv ins seem to pickup a bit of noise. With static patches the rotation seems to shift small amounts in random direction and time. That’s probably a different issue though.

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Thanks for this, I believe I have enough information now to be able to solve this problem, I will be taking more look into this in early jan,

For now please direct all comments about this issue to this thread to keep things organized: CV Jitter & Knob Jumping on 2.0.6 (Knobs pickup position after leaving page)


Thank you for the updates. The link you provided to direct comments to is broken…

Whoops thanks for catching that, updated link

Continuing the discussion from Video Input - Hypno 2.0 Firmware:

Hi. Had the Hypno a couple of weeks and having great fun. Just got a HDMI capture device and feeding it in through front USB using iPad - all good. It’s now dawned on me that I cannot now record the output on my Mac using OBS. Any advice - I assume there must be a way to record onto computer through HDMI output but not obvious how at the moment. Cheers and thanks for a great product!

My current solution is to simply get another HDMI Capture to feed video into your mac from Hypno’s HDMI output.

Thanks 2020 for making capture cards dirt cheap! Silver linings hah

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