Video Challenge #3 - RESOLUTION


With the New Year comes new Resolutions. What’s your Resolution? Show us in the resolution video challenge. Post a piece of video art on Instagram with the #Resolve2Sleep and @SleepyCircuits. The piece should be inspired by the varied definitions of the word resolution. As always, your video can be made on the Hypno or with any other hardware or software you have. Our judges will vote for a winner to receive a Sleepy Circuits tee-shirt.



  • To enter, post a video on Instagram with the hashtag #Resolve2Sleep and tag @SleepyCircuits
  • Videos should not exceed one-minute in duration
  • Sound or silence is welcome
  • One submission per person
  • Submissions will be closed on February 5, 2021 at noon Eastern Time

Feel free to use this thread to post questions, spark conversation or share your submission.


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