List of USB Accessories that work with Hypno

Update: OP-Z build quality is terrible. It’s a very fun unit but feels like it won’t hold up under pressure…


'nother update:

After trying a few options, I’ve gone back to sequencing Hypno presets with the Digitakt (just preset swaps). I’d rather not midi glitch Hypno video (for now) and have ordered a Kenton Pro Solo to use with Digitakt midi to Hypno cv. Lot’s more deck space now. Things will be sold to re-ballast.

The best Hypno solution was staring me in the face the whole time.
Keyboard mode on the Digitakt works great for accessing Hypno presets.
[live or sequenced]

I use Digi midi tracks 9-12 for the Eyesy and 13-16 for Hypno (mostly…)

I got a “nano kontrol” as well as a “keystep pro”. both seem to not be working with my PI4. i tried different channels on the keystep. none did it. any ideas?

Hypno is on channel 16 and can’t be changed to another channel. Also, try wiggling one of the knobs on the Hypno to get things going.

got it working now. my fault was to use track 1 which apparently seems not to transmit the notes like the other tracks do :slight_smile:

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Does that OTG hub put power to the Hypno or to the devices connected to it?

Firmware 2.4 Update:

  • Arturia Minilab 2

This 2-octave keyboard doesn’t send the highest few notes in the MIDI note range. This is presumably because they don’t constitute a full C-to-C octave, and I guess it stops people wondering why some keys aren’t working after using the octave-shift button to its fullest extent, and may apply to other MIDI keyboards.

This means that the keys will not send the notes required to access the Hypno functions which are now hard-mapped to the MIDI notes above the highest C.

The workaround here is to map these notes to the pads, so it is still possible to access them (at all times, whatever octave-shift value the keyboard is set to), at the expense of being able to have the pads mapped for other functions/devices.