Introduce Yourself!

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Sleepy Forum! I thought it would be fun if each of us could introduce ourselves/share a snippet of our art!

Prompts to get the ol gears turnin’:

  1. What is the most inspiring/memorable performance of Audio/Visuals you have ever seen?
  2. What excites you about AV art? Write a sentence describing your aesthetic/art.
  3. What is your favorite peice of art you have made? (Attach a piece of audio/video!)
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Ill go first!

Hi my name is Ron, I am the founder of Sleepy, I was very inspired most inspired when I saw Naomi Mitchel preform a live AV set with analog visuals. I had never seen such a close association with Audio + Visuals in my life. The audio running through the analog oscillators, the noises where literally creating the colors. My brain was broken and I couldn’t look away.

I love AV because its the fastest way I have found on how to paint. My brain tends to run around from concept to concept and working with media like oil (which I love btw) or even something digital like Illustrator I wasn’t never really felt like I was able to truly tap into the flow of my mind.

Hypno is of course my favorite physical piece of art, here is one of my favorite AV Hypno patches ( I like to make weird sounds sometimes :smiley: )

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I’ve been an artist and musician my whole life. For over twenty years, I’ve been making music in the genre of “Electronic Jazz Funk Whatever,” most recently with a eurorack modular synth. I don’t really have any particular visual inspiration that I’m drawing from, but musically, I’m interested in the intersection of funk (Earth, Wind & Fire, Roy Ayers, Chromeo, Tuxedo… to name a few) and fusion (Herbie Hancock, Weather Report, Chick Corea, etc).

I usually just improvise, starting with some chords or a bass line, and expand from there. Over the last two years, I’ve been streaming videos and uploading them to my YouTube channel, and I’ve been searching for a good way to add a reactive, evolving visual component to my performances.

I used Discobrick for a while, but I’m no longer using a Mac for streaming, so that’s not an option. Plus, Discobrick could only respond to audio. That’s where Hypno comes in, as it’s a eurorack module that gives me tons of CV control. I’ve only just started to scratch the surface of what it’s capable of, and I look forward to exploring more in the future!

Here’s my first video using Hypno, titled “Sonic Stroll.” If you like it, subscribe, because there will be a lot more!


Hey y’all. I’m Winston, (@particlesintowaves and @genlok_video on Instagram) and I live in Dallas, TX. I got started in visuals when I got my Vidiot back in 2018. I’ve since amassed a large video system in the LZX/eurorack format and gotten my hands on countless video mixers and other tools. I accidentally discovered Hypno in a Facebook group, way before its release when it was still the VidBoi. After chatting up Ron a bit, he sold me a prototype unit so I could beta test it. I’ve since contributed tons of feedback to the device and I’m really thrilled about what Ron’s accomplished with it. Looking forward to seeing what else he comes up with in the future!

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Hey all. I’m Mattzog. I’m on instagram as @zogglesbee. I’ve been playing music since I was 16. Started on bass playing rock, then, because I’m kind of a shitty bass player, started singing in a band called Zombie Surf Camp in 2005. I’ve always been into synth music and played a bunch synth stuff with friends, but only started playing that stuff out in 2014 or so. In 2015 I got into audio eurorack modular. I got in to video synthesis in 2012 after I played with feedback through a surplus security camera. I got myself a small LZX rack back then (Visionary series ahoy!). I gradually expanded my video rack and in 2016 I started doing visuals out at various music nights and desert parties around San Diego and Tijuanua. I discovered Hypno on Winston’s Instagram feed and thought it would be an excellent addition to my rig, so I hopped on the preorder with alacrity! My current goal is a fully integrated audio/visual synth act that I can tour around a bit.

Nice to meet you folk.

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i’m SPIKE the Percussionist…a percussionist and noizician residing in Houston.
i have several bands and also host a noiz show here that occurs every other month.
my electronic noiz project is called ASTROGENIC HALLUCINAUTING.

  1. What is the most inspiring/memorable performance of Audio/Visuals you have ever seen?

The Day For Night concert series here in Houston.

  1. What excites you about AV art? Write a sentence describing your aesthetic/art.

i like the concept of having visuals react to my noiz.
i also like being able to quickly put together visuals that look like what i am hearing.

  1. What is your favorite piece of art you have made? (Attach a piece of audio/video!)

i have several that i feel the visuals and audio just happened to really gel for me…here is one:

Hi all, I’m Max. I’ve been dabbling in electronic music as a hobby for about 10 years now and started getting into eurorack modules this past year. I came across Sleepy Circuits when browsing modules and was blown away by the demos, I just had to have one. This is my first step into video synthesis and I can’t wait to learn more about my Hypno.

Some of my music is on Soundcloud and Spotify

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Hello friends! I have been helping Ron with Sleepy Circuits behind the scenes for a little while now and I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Brian. I have been creating electronic music using several pieces of hardware and software for a countless number of years. I am on the constant journey of reinventing myself and I hope to make a major musical release soon (my first real album). On the visual side of things, most of my experience is in Max/MSP/Jitter although I have dabbled with Open CV and even Quartz Composer in the past. I work in the audiovisual industry for several years and I am happy to help with anything Hypno or AV related.

  1. What is the most inspiring/memorable performance of Audio/Visuals you have ever seen?

  2. What excites you about AV art? Write a sentence describing your aesthetic/art.

    • Telling a story through an abstract medium is what excites me most. I do not know how to describe my art these days. Pastoral Misplaced Nostalgic Folktronic maybe?
  3. What is your favorite piece of art you have made? (Attach a piece of audio/video!)

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Hi all, first I must say that the Hypno is the most impressive module for Video Synthesis I’ve seen because of its size and possibilities. My name is Benton Pena, I’m from the Dominican Republic. I’ve been into electronic music my whole life but as a hobby. I’m working to get a performance Eurorack setup and will include Hypno.

  1. What is the most inspiring/memorable performance of Audio/Visuals you have ever seen?
    I loved Depeche Mode visuals in Sounds of the Universe tour.

  2. What excites you about AV art? Write a sentence describing your aesthetic/art.
    Abstract images that excite the imagination, you create your own story and experience

  3. What is your favorite piece of art you have made? (Attach a piece of audio/video!)
    Just an example: live performance

I use the OP-Z for my animations and I use my RGB shades synced. Hope to program the
NDI code to be able to interact Hypno with my shades, sort of due the LED limitations. But I will experiment for sure.

Thank you all, and sleepy! Keep the good work.


Thank you for the kind words! Great live performance too! Very impressive.

By the way, the OP-Z and Hypno work wonderfully together over MIDI. We plan to make a tutorial on this soon.


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Hi everyone,

I’m Simon, living in the Netherlands. I might be the only person here owning a Hypno which I received today and over the moon with it. Pretty new to AV, Will post some stuff when I get the opportunity soon.

Curious to see the learning curve and paths the hypno will take me.
Some of the stuff I make, it’s nothing special really, mostly for my own entertainment. Love these kind of funny and strange collabs:

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Bumping this post to let everyone know that I’ve accepted a part-time position at Sleepy Circuits as the new Community and Support Manager! I’ll be hanging out here a lot more and trying to drum up some rich discussions about using Hypno, and also answering your support questions over email and social media. Cheer to y’all, I’m excited an official part of the team!

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Hello Sleepy Fans!

I just pre-ordered my Hypno. Cant wait to get this, Always enjoy music and visuals, so this seem right for me.

Looking forward to learning and upgrading my Hypno firmware as features get added.

Have a great day!


I’m Rick. I live in Dallas and have been messing around with audio and composition (noise making) for many years. I’m also into the laser entertainment scene and run lasers for a local Floyd tribute band. The laser enthusiasm has moved me to attend the SELEM (South Eastern Laser Enthusiast Meet) for the last 8 years or so and it is the creativity and overlap among the attendees that has gotten me more interested in synths, modular and video.

A fellow attendee and all-around amazing artist in his own right, Christopher Short, recently pioneered a laser synth in conjuntion with Andrew Kilpatrick of Kilpatrick audio to create the Neon Captain Radiator Synthesizer and a successful kickstarter later the units are amazingly featureful and SOLD OUT! It was in monkeying with the Radiator that I realized additional manipulation via HDMI capture to drive video feedback would be AWESOME. Many in my shoes have dived right into to satisfy this urge, but I’ve decided I wanted to keep my setup as “computer free” as possible, relying as much as possible on purpose-built gear. Seeing the Hypno made me cancel my Chromagnon order (super happy I did).

Since receiving the Hypno I’ve been running the Radiator through the HDMI in and have also worked on creating a comprehensive set of controls via MIDI/CV from OP-Z, Hydrasynth, Nanokontrol, and now midiLFOs off my ipad. This is made possible through the use of a midi merger box I picked up from RetroKits and allows all the midi devices to work simultaneously to control Hypno.

I’m very bad at saving my work, preferring to create, marvel and destroy rather than share. I promise I’ll get something saved and uploaded soon for y’all to check out.

Thanks so much for creating such a fantastic little synth, I absolutely love it!


Hypno + Radiator must be bonkers! Why didn’t I think of that, had both of those devices in the same room just two weeks ago. In case you didn’t know, I’m also based in Dallas, Grand Prairie to be exact. Do you have Instagram?

Hah, right around the corner. I’m in Cedar Hill. we’re prob like 15 min from each other. I prob have IG but I never use it :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny, I used to live in Lancaster before GP, so I was literally stone’s throw away haha

Who needs zuck chat when you have Sleepy forum! lol


Hi everyone! I thought I would introduce myself here.
This is Devon, I’ve joined the Sleepy team here in Southern California.
I am the new Community Manager for all things Sleepy Circuits, as well as handling support requests and partial warehouse management.
I’m fairly new to the Hypno world so please bear with me as I get acquainted with all it has to offer.
I look forward to interacting with you all and seeing the myriad ways the Hypno is being utilized.


I got started doing visuals quite a while back

did a lot on tours, raves and in nightclubs in the early 90’s with VHS, Atari and Amiga graphics all mixed live. Fast forward three decades and I’m now senior business development manager for Professional Graphics at AMD. Still love to mess around with animation, MIDI, photography and digital video.

Orlando, Florida