Hypno MIDI presets sorting system

Hello there !

I’m currently planning my way to using Hypno as the video device for my all hardware music live performances.

Right now, it’s hooked up via MIDI to the Elektron Digitakt, and it looks very promising to either recall presets in sequence, modulate parameters without button combination, or even sequence any parameter. I love that !

I’m struggling to find a nice workflow to save presets and then organize them as I want on my midi map on my computer (with a USB dongle of course), and I think the manual should have a chart for the presets name system.

Here’s what I’ve gathered :

  • “patch” 0 - 1 - 2 “.json” are the three presets that are saved by default on the Hypno and are only recallable with the button combination (see page 9 of the manual)

  • From “patch3.json” on, you can recall them with a Eb0 message on midi channel 16

  • As the Midi Quick Guide video says, midi F# G# and A# keys are used to trigger the three buttons of the Hypno, meaning that in the naming system, you have to mind skipping numbers corresponding to those keys ! For instance, “patch6.json” won’t work

I’m only just figuring it out, so I hope I’m not saying something wrong there, please correct me if that’s the case.

I’ll work on creating a chart and share it here if it could help people that have the same goal, but in the meantime I hope that this will be added to the manual :wink: It’s really elevating the use of the device. I know most of the fun is in the experimentation and happy accidents, but it can be extremely useful if you want to keep a setup you love and if you want to control how a performance will look like. Especially if you’re doing everything yourself like me.

Cheers !


Hi there thanks for the feedback, yes youre spot on with the naming scheme after 3 the number is mapped to the midi note numbers which is why there is skipping, it didn’t occur to me this may be confusing from an organization end at the time.

I can certainly add this to the wiki manual’s midi section thats a great idea. (edit: is there now)

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Thanks Ron !

I’m not seeing anything, on the online manual, where is it exactly ?

If it can help anyone wanting to set its Hypno up similarly as mine, here’s some sheets I’ve done ;

I will print the table for me to keep notes of available slots when experimenting :slight_smile:


i have added your notes in the midi section of the manual page on the wiki →

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Thanks Ron !

I’m not sure I get what is the wiki, because all I see is that :

Isn’t it the gitbook ?

Yes I call the gitbook a wiki. Thats a more general term in my mind sry if that was unclear.

Can you overwrite presets via MIDI?
Or do you have to go to the stick and delete the relevant json file?

Yes you can overwrite them by long pressing the corresponding midi note :wink:

That’s why I did the table I shared here : I printed it, and I mark with a pencil the slots that are taken. That way I can’t accidentally overwrite a nice one :slightly_smiling_face:

And when I feel like it, I back up the new presets on my computer, taking a picture with my phone to have an idea which one does what.

Hope this helps

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Thanks for the reply! Yes , it helps somewhat. That is what I expected to happen, except when I try to overwrite with a long press it just jumps to the preset already saved, as you expect from a short press.
Saves normally to empty slots but won’t overwrite full slots with a long press… Waiting for all three indicators to change color.

Sorry for the late reply. Seems like a bug from your unit in my opinion, mine works as expected there. You should get in touch with the support team @SleepyRon