Hypno Ideas/Feedback

Iā€™d like an on/off switch. I have a Hypno with the CM4-WS. Apart from the usb-c port being not easily accessible, as itā€™s recessed in the enclosure somewhat, and makes turning it on and off more fiddly than Iā€™d like, Iā€™m not sure that cutting power abruptly is the best way of powering off the device. I havenā€™t read extensively online but what I have read suggests that the Pi should go through a shutdown routine before removing the power supply. Perhaps thereā€™s no real need?

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It would be really great to be able to select specific shapes directly via MIDI, instead of having to cycle through all them.

I donā€™t think this is possible yet, unless Iā€™ve missed that feature.

Similarly: it would be great to be able to save a preset with only specific shapes ā€œactiveā€, so that the CV trigger could cycle through e.g. just 3 shapes, or flip between 2 shapes. If this is already possible Iā€™ve missed it in the manual.


If you would like a power switch you can also just get a switched USB-C cable or switched usb cable extender.

In Hypnoā€™s situation turning off the PIā€™s power is not a big deal since its not actually doing any writing to memory when running. You probably could get some corruption if you really really tried but anyway it hasnā€™t caused issues so far as I can tell.

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I agree with the shape addressing via midi. This one is something thats definitely on my list to add in the future.

ā€œActiveā€ shapes arenā€™t currently a metaphor in the UI. This would be a sort of internal sequencer so I believe its a bit out of the scope of the productā€™s design. With the midi addressing you should be able to get this sort of thing with an external sequencer. I have been able to get something similar by saving presets on my VCMC and sequentially triggering them with Euro signals.

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Iā€™m glad to hear that addressing shape via midi is on your list!

To be totally honest, the inability to address them directly really put me off getting one and I feel it is probably the number one quality-of-life improvement that would be (probably?) quite straightforward to add. Iā€™d suggest using a CC for each oscillator (probably with a range of values per shape as that would make it easy enough for people with controllers with faders or dials that automatically go from 0-127). Alternatively Program Change messages would work but arenā€™t ideal for all controllers. I am sure youā€™ve considered note-on messages but unless you start having the device cover more than one channel there are gains and losses that way, given the current implementation of note messages.

The ā€œactiveā€ shapes suggestion was just a thought and obviously if it can be done by midi, even with a cv-midi module, thatā€™s still going to make the device a significantly better value-proposition. Cycling through the same shapes in order on every pattern/preset is definitely not ideal and the midi-addressable shapes would solve this entirely.

thanks for the info, good to know.

Can I piggy back off of this and suggest that this same feature would be really useful for switching between the different feedback modes. Iā€™ve seen that there is a MIDI function to toggle the feedback modes but you canā€™t choose between each one specifically, at least to my limited knowledge.


Iā€™d also second this as a very useful feature

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Could you potentially create sets of presets on the Hypno itself? Does it have the computing power and space requirements to hold more presets?

A way to implement this on the unit itself could be just like how holding both shape buttons and turning a knob can turn on and off the ā€œhelp textā€, you could use one of the unassigned knobs to allow the user to scroll through preset banks.

In fact it does have the power to hold 92 additional presets from the ones with the button combination :slight_smile:

You just have to use MIDI to save and recall them. Check out this part of the manual, and also I did a thread on the matter of sorting out presets for live performances.

I donā€™t believe there would be way to have more without midi, because of hardware limitations. Thereā€™s only so much button combination you can get, and they obviously chose to bet on flexibility of functions (and Iā€™m glad they did)

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New suggestion:

Support for loading .png images.

I know we can load .jpg files, but the reason for asking about this is that .png offers a transparent layer. I donā€™t know how that would translate when it comes to things like modulation, but I have some .pngs that I have created for use with other devices that make use of transparent centres, etc. I would love to be able to use some of these with the Hypno if it would work.

No idea if this is a trivial or complex request. No idea if there are problems I havenā€™t considered. Just putting it out there.

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I should be more specific: I am looking for the additional function of adding sets of presets, so Bank A would contain presets 1-95, Bank B would contain presets 96-191, etc. So the MIDI note C4 would activate a different preset depending on which bank you were currently in.

When playing live, I use roughly 5 or 6 presets per song, so I have run out of patches when. To get around this, I use a MIDI LFO to send CC values, but I feel like I donā€™t have as much control as just hitting a preset.

I thought about a few more ideas:

  • The ability to adjust feedback/delay time. Some feedback modes appear to have the feedback more ā€œsnappyā€ and short, whereas others leave a longer feedback trail (not necessarily in depth, but in time)
  • Slower modulations (rotations, drifts etc.), potentially based on an exponential curve.
  • Fine tune & smaller cross-modulation amounts. When you cross-mod some items, itā€™s either barely modulating it, or wildly modulating it. When you cross-mod the feedback into Osc1 or Osc2 the results are pretty intense.
  • Ability to have the CV ports edit different items, just like how the functionality was added for Feedback ā†’ Hue functionality on the center CV port.

Iā€™m submitting a feature request, I donā€™t know wether itā€™s already been asked for, and apologize if it has :slight_smile:

Iā€™d love to have a way of resetting a video to its starting point. Maybe a midi note that does not have a purpose yet like C0 ? Or maybe an option in a txt file to reset video file when a preset is recalled ?

It would help to sync vidƩo files and music together



Another one : it would be great to have additional midi channels available to multiply the total number of presets.

Iā€™ve set up a music live setup to control the Hypno with a Digitakt, right now Iā€™m using every single available preset slot for a 65 minutes performance, and I intend do make it way longer in the year to come.

In the meantime, I believe Iā€™ll think of a trouble shoot, like using a second usb stick and switch them mid show.

Still another one : I donā€™t know whether it is doable, but I would love to choose another aspect ratio for the projection. 4:3 would look great for what I want to do with it.

The Digitakt is just weird for me to use with the Hypno. Itā€™s not the Hypnoā€™s fault. You get 8 CCā€™s per DT track (more with plocks but that gets too weird) and have to go through a lot of rigamaroll to set up the channel, CCā€™s and value knobs, NTM the single LFO for each track. Makes me look like a hotknobber and I got keys to play.

Using the DT to recall presets also doesnā€™t fit my improverished workflow, so I recently bought an Arturia Microlab (itā€™s in the mail now!) => easy peasy Hypno preset recalls with midi notes?

I like to make the Hypno sing directly with my fingers.

Also got one of these coming after a disappointing weekend with an ATEM Mini Pro ISO. Not entirely disappointing but the lack of dedicated monitoring output on the ATEM limits your ability to fritz around with the Hypno (off camera) during live performance. The ATEM is great for getting recordings of all 4 inputs individually plus a mixdown of live for post editing in Davinci, but I want to able to go half Hypno / half Eyesy with the Feelworld L2 T-bar live!

Thanks for your advice in use and additional devices :slight_smile:

Will definitely check out the L2 Plus

As I told in Hypno MIDI presets sorting system, Iā€™ve figured out my own workflow and shared all about it there (donā€™t know if itā€™s the right topic to debate it here)

Iā€™ve certainly never said it was the perfect setup, since I wanted to keep a ā€œno laptopā€ live setup, thatā€™s what I went for, tested it out in a performance for the first time last weekend and got incredible feedback. Iā€™ve actually used an Arturia Keystep to curate most of my presets in the experimental phase of developing this setā€™s video, and can confirm itā€™s more comfortable than the DT for that.

But the sheer strength of the Digitakt is really in the sequencer. As Iā€™m already using it both as a drum machine and a master clock for my eurorack, it makes sense to me to use its incredible sequencing capabilities to act in autonomous way when Iā€™m busy playing flutes, modular, keys and all kind of instruments. Plus itā€™s great to be able to regroup specific presets for patterns, it allowed to craft a visual identity for each song quite easily and quickly.

However, note that my earlier mention of the Digitakt was anecdotic and the deviceā€™s limitations have nothing to do with the idea I was suggesting : that Iā€™d love to have the number preset slots expanded

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Iā€™m with you all the way on the Digitakt and living DAWless. I use my DT to sequence an Eyesy and my lights (with an Obey 40) in a minimalist OTG gig bag setup (gimme some boxes, velcro and gaffer tape) with the DT + Eyesy and Hypno and the 505 if a piano is available (I hate lugging one around).

The Digitakt is my first (and only) groovebox. It really brings the funk out in me (and so much more)!!!

heya, Iā€™d really love to have some audiovisualizer on one of the inputs in a new mode. that would be very cool :slight_smile:

and it would be cool if you see a value next to the description in ā€œHelp Modeā€