Hypno Kit is Here!

Probably not anytime soon, due to the support that would be require for people less familiar with soldering than yourself.

Oh awesome! Hoping to ship around the end of February or the first half of March at the latest (unless something goes wrong with production again :hot_face:). The Lunar New Year delayed things quite a bit but we are working as fast as we can.

You are gonna love your Hypno DIY with the Pi4. I have been using this combo and all of the USB ports are so clutch.

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Thanks for the update Brian!! No worries about the delay, i’m happy to know the rough time line so that I can manage and contain my excitement until delivery. The tutorials and videos are keeping well entertained for the moment, and it gives us time to get everything else ready beforehand (input camera and video capture). I’m brand new to raspberry pi… but 4 is a larger number than 3, so it sounds amazing!! Thanks for your continued hard work Sleepy team!!


Hey Sleepy Crew, just wanted to add to micro_stuart’s comment; I’m also super excited and have been dreaming about the Hypno! Hope the production and shipping process isn’t too stressful and hope you’re able to share updates when the components land with you.

In the meantime I’m collating a sample bank of footage that I hope will look epic when fed into Hypno; wind turbines, ponds, airplanes in the sky, lava lamps etc!

Yoooo sounds great, let us know if you want to make a video pack for the site, we havent been putting up as many recently but I’m always interested in getting more on there (maybe even a few more paid ones where the profits would just go to the artist like we do with the other paid guest packs)

CNY slowed us down a chunk but production of a batch of DIY Hypno is happening as I write this. I am also coming up with more strategies on how to make Hypno even more available, trying to follow up with an even bigger batch next time hopefully with some sort of pre-built versions also.

Overall Pre-orders for this product has been a bit slower which I’m guessing has mostly to do with the lack of new Pis in general. (tho I do see some at hobbyist store today via → https://rpilocator.com/)


What kind of improvements will pi4 bring? I love that you can get multiple usb inputs with the kit, using it modular with a single input has been limiting for getting access to presets via a keyboard or usb video input or usb data one at a time. Is it possible to access all three at once? Will pi4 help reduce / eliminate frame drops? Will it unlock 1080 or 720 video input?

I love that you can get multiple usb inputs with the kit… Is it possible to access all three at once?

Yep! I did a show two weeks ago with a MIDI keyboard, a USB Drive and a Web Cam all plugged into the Hypno Kit USB-A ports. Worked like a charm on the most recent Public Beta Firmware. I love the kit for this sort of thing. When it comes to NDI and the Hypno Kit, I usually use WiFi or the Ethernet jack out of convenience.

As for Pi4 vs Pi3 vs CM3 there really are no performance differences. The Pi4 maybe seems a tiny bit more snappy and maybe has less dropped frames, but it is hard to tell.

Will it unlock 1080 or 720 video input?


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