Hypno Ideas/Feedback

Trivially? How many MIDI devices do you know of that will take an input (MIDI or CV) and allow you to apply an offset to it? :slight_smile:

I was thinking of Elektron boxes and VCMC, idk about other ones. Anyway the feature is on the list to experiment with.

Sweet! I can’t wait to have something to experiment with!

Seconding on an expanded shape selection!

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What’s your favorite trick/patch with Hypno so far?
Curious to hear, or should that be a diff thread?

That would definitely be a whole new topic imho so I started one here

Would it be reasonable to expect MIDI mappings of the video input page in a future version of the firmware?
Started using Befaco’s CV Thing to modulate unreachable parameters and I am amazed by the results. I’m dying to modulate the luma min/max.

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Hey pkar, moving this to our feedback thread.

Using MIDI and video input together would require a USB hub, which is not a supported configuration and generally advised against to prevent damage from excessive power draw to the USB port. Due to this we don’t have any plans to implement MIDI CC control for the video input.

Makes sense.
I realise my use case is a bit special since while I’m using a hub with a webcam and MIDI controller at the same time, the controller (CV Thing) is powered off my eurorack system thus the hypno is only really powering the webcam.

@pkar which hub are you using? I have had poor results using hubs in my tests so I am curious what is working for you.

I’ve been using this one and this one without any issues. I have also been able to use an LPD8 and a logitech C920 webcam at the same time with either hub. Always powering hypno through usb.

Thanks for that info, Ill test this type of functionality and explore adding midi mapping for the video pages if It appears stable in my tests. (Will also start testing hubs to add to the USB accessory list)


Would it be possible to have some way to reset all active self modulation? Perhaps some simple button sequence? (And midi)

A thought regarding shape frequency/size; I (apparently) like exploring large shapes. A single large square for example. But it’s quite hard to dial in - that space between the shape disappearing and it being slightly too small.
Some kind of way to explore smaller increment changes could possibly be cool?



Good ideas… I too like this zoomed in realm but the oscillator disappears a few millimeters before fader reaches full south… so if that’s a possible fix would be great.
I’d like to add a point on video input… I would like if it was easier to have a “home” or base position with the original video feed and then mangle from there but I cant seem to dial it in and gets pretty wild pretty fast. Maybe it’s my set up or my unit or the way it’s designed. It’s still loads of fun but would be nice to have a start point and can mangle from there. Haven’t had much time with video input but that’s what I took away so far.

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I have considered taking this off for the shapes to make this consistent with the way video input works, shape muting would still be available via button patching.

I suppose if enough people heart this comment I’ll make this change :wink:

New patch has new defaults; on video in, all modulations are reset and video is straight up


I like this idea because at zero frequency position the shapes are awesome for cross mod but I can never see them at this size. If they retain the same ability at this level but don’t disappear that would be great

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UI idea: Toggle an on-screen display with info about current settings/routings, ideally with numerical values, and tips/hints, like a button combo reference, maybe context-sensitive? For example, like when you start holding one button, the display updates to show possible button combo completions and what they’ll do. With no button, pressed, just show general info about what is patched where/how, maybe show the numerical values of some things so we can see how they’re being modulated.

Also, ideally such a display could also be used as an interface for managing more presets. Like press some button combo (hinted on the display) to get into a preset manager mode.


Im thinking to avoid text based menus for Hypno for feature creep reasons.

I agree that some kind of “help mode” would be useful for new firmwares and new users in the future tho hmm…

What about at least just a text-based UI for preset management? MIDI is cool and all, but my primary use for this is with a camera input and a DAWless modular system and have no plans to dedicate a controller to this (would I even be able to use MIDI and UVC input simultaneously?). . . so using MIDI to manage more than 3 presets becomes kinda impractical (for me) as it means plugging/unplugging things every time I want to manage presets beyond those 3, instead of doing it easily on the fly.

Perhaps a compromise could be exporting/importing presets to/from a PC? Still cumbersome and not ideal, but if I’m going to interrupt my workflow, I’d rather it just be plugging into a laptop and drag/drop some things, or click some buttons in a preset librarian, as opposed to fussing around with MIDI mappings (and needing to remember/reference those on top of everything else I already need to remember/reference for the rest of my gear).

Simultaneous midi and video input has been done by our users via a hub. (There been some discussion testing this in the accessories thread).

Maybe that setup would work for you?

Also now that I know that this is relatively stable for people it is my plan to expand the cv midi mappings to support the video page next patch.

I wouldn’t consider a text based preset manager as an “on the fly” solution so I really think that people are overall better off just grabbing a used keystep off Amazon (or vcmc if you wanna be fancy) if you really need the extra slots.

I agree that a preset backup solution would be useful though…

I just had an idea on that, what about backing up presets to a USB drive?