WIFI not connecting

hey there,

so I’ve just finished setting up my RPI 4b with hypno and I followed the Wifi instructions exactly based on the instructions but I cannot get my wifi working, is there any known bugs or things I should know about to help setup my PI 4b with the latest 2.2.3 and saving the text file to the boot wpa_supplicant.conf

my password is hidden obviously but this is my code

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

it is a linksys router security type WPA2/WPA Mixed Personal

its really just a stock router, nothing fancy network wise

also last thing I forgot to mention, Should i expect it to show up over wifi on NDI or do i absolutely need a hard line ethernet cable to connect for NDI?

one update, I’ve gotten my hypno to connect over the Ethernet port into my router and the NDI stream works fine

but the Wifi is still not working unfortunately


Hey Mojo,

I would advise trying a couple of times with your 5g and 2g net and double check your credentials. The country you set will also effect whether this works correctly so if youre outside of the US you may need to change that section, here are some common two letter ISO/IEC alpha2 codes:

  • GB (United Kingdom)
  • FR (France)
  • DE (Germany)
  • US (United States)
  • SE (Sweden)

NDI should show up as normal over wifi, if it works wired in theory wifi should work also. WiFi will likely introduce latency and/or lag spikes to the video feed, def use ethernet when possible and mission is critical.

That all being said, I have also sometimes had trouble getting wifi to connect on certain routers with PI4s in general, sometimes the 5g or the 2g seems to work better for me for mysterious reasons, sometimes it just takes a couple of tries…

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

The Pi foundation keeps its wifi docs here: Raspberry Pi Documentation - Configuration but since it doesn’t have their GUI OS you will need to follow their headless directions.