Vimeo tutorials on YouTube?

Hiya! Any chance that the short tutorials accompanying the manual could go up on YouTube? I know they’re on Vimeo, but having them on YT would put all the important info in one place (great when I’m in a hurry to get a refresher)… also YT is easier to watch on a regular TV than Vimeo is. Are those good reasons? :grin:

Thanks for considering!

Hey Bohus, they are all in one place on the Sleepy page!

Also, there’s a Vimeo mobile app which makes it exactly as easy to get on a regular TV. And a Vimeo Roku app. And etc.

I’ll give that a shot. I remember a year or two ago using Vimeo’s App to stream to various televisions, and it was pretty disastrous. But maybe they finally licked it. Thanks for the advice!

For sure… that’s where I found them! :grin: I just meant that since there are other tutorials on YT, it might be nice if there were a playlist there too.

I keep a semi-smart TV near where I’m working on this stuff, and that’s where I tend to watch YT tutorials while I’m hands on with whatever. Not only is it nice and big, but my computer is usually busy with something else.

Just a thought. Thanks!