Video Challenge #2 - SPOOKY


With Halloween around the corner, our second Video Challenge is called Spooky. Post your spookiest video art on instagram with the hashtag #SpookySleepy and @SleepyCircuits. As always, your video can be made on the Hypno or with any other hardware or software you have. Our judges will vote for a winner that best meets the spirit of the challenge. The winner will receive a Sleepy Circuits tee-shirt.


  • To enter, post a spooky video on Instagram with the hashtag #SpookySleepy and tag @SleepyCircuits
  • Videos should not exceed one-minute in duration
  • Sound or silence is welcome
  • One submission per person
  • Submissions will be closed on Halloween Eve, October 30 at noon Pacific Time

Feel free to use this thread to post questions, spark conversation or share your submission.

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Video Challenge #1 – GRAIN