Recommendations for portable monitors?

I’m doing visuals for events using the hypno and one thing I think I need is a portable monitor I can use via splitting off the hdmi, since staring off at the projector screen feels pretty clunky when making adjustments compared to looking at a screen right next to my control surface.

I tried a random portable monitor off amazon, but it got an issue with not being able to support a resolution as low as the Hypno’s output, I figure before I go through the buy-test-return process again, I want to ask, has anyone got a portable monitor they confirmed works for this?

I use this one. It worked in landscape mode straight out of the box.

I made a sturdy cardboard box enclosure for it out of the original packaging. It looks and works great.


Here’s the cheap-o one I bought:

I went a different route than @uglymule did with the enclosure and just allow my display to flop around carelessly and hope I don’t hit it with a drumstick.

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You out-cheapo’ed me.

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un cheapo yourself and get the color pro, trust:

The oled makes some sweet colors w Hypno these are my main conference demo station displays.

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I’m using a Changingtouch monitor, which is 14 inches in size and has a 60Hz refresh rate. What intrigues me the most is its laptop-like appearance. Surprisingly, it’s priced at just $200

Big fan of these. No splitter required.

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Nice! I’ve been using a FeelWorld L2 Plus video mixer for a while now and love it. Their training / demo videos are great too. Thanks for reminding me they have other products.

Does the Feelworld output the video exactly as it comes in (eg. 720x480) or does it upscale it to something like 1080p or 4K? I’ve got a Blackmagic capture card that won’t accept Hypno’s 720x480 output.

Funny you should mention that. I have a pi4 that runs 2.4.4 and it’s an issue with my atem extreme when I run it thru a field monitor. I have a cm3 that runs 2.4 and it runs 360p and works thru a field monitor. To make my pi4 work on 2.4.4 I’ve had to employ a scaler/splitter :frowning:

Yeah, I’ve had the same issue. I just upgraded from an original CM3 Hypno (running 2.3, IIRC), and it works fine with my Blackmagic DeckLink Duo, but the new Pi4 Hypno with 2.4.4 doesn’t work at all with the DeckLink Duo.

HDMI on my pi4 doesn’t work with the Intensity Shuttle HDMI in, whatsoever, however captures just fine on the ATEM mini pro & on the 10eur hdmi usb capture card i bought during the pandemic.

but this is good to know.

My Pi3 now on 2.4.4 doesn’t have the same problem as my Pi4 on 2.4.4. The Pi3 happily displays on my ATEM switcher as well as a decklink quad hdmi capture. So whether it’s friendly to the ATEM depends more on Pi version than Hypno…

EDIT: Absolutely wild, when connected to my Decklink HDMI Capture, my Pi3 on 2.4.4 runs 1600x1200 60p according to capture card. The hypno display when it finally appears is truncated (from the beginning) and shows “3x400” as resolution. The output is decidedly 4:3, so I’m assuming it’s running at 533x400? EDIT: It’s wrapping. It’s showing 2.4.4 533x400. but because it’s wrapping it looks like: “3x400 2.4.4 53”

I downgraded the FW to 2.0.6 and same thing, so it’s not a new thing.

Ok, just tried the Pi4 into the Decklink. Initially recognized at 1920x1200 60p while booting. Came up at 720x480 once booted and Decklink says “NTSC”

Just more data points for you.

HAHA, if I take the same Pi3 hypno and run it through a Feelworld field monitor, it goes back to 16:9 and 720x360 when it hits the Decklink.

I have an HDFURY box that I could probably use to get more info about what is actually happening, but I really don’t want to break my living room setup to try it.

If you run the Pi 4 Hypno through the Feelworld field monitor, will the Decklink see it, or does it still need some kind of upscaler?

Ok, thru the Feelworld, the Pi4 comes up at 720x480. The Decklink shows it as HDMI: NTSC. Same as when I had it directly connected to the Decklink. This makes me think that our decklinks are not the same. Mine is the quad HDMI… or it could be firmware?
I also have a Seetec ATEM 156 4-way field monitor as well as ATEM mini extreme. So there’s lots of combinations to test (including not having anything on the OUT of the field monitors):

Where Decklink QuadHDMI is the Sink:
Pi4->Decklink QuadHDMI: 720x480
Pi4->Feelworld->Decklink QuadHDMI: 720x480

Where ATEM Mini Extreme ISO is the Sink:
Pi4->ATEM Mini Extreme ISO: 640x360
Pi4->Feelworld->ATEM Mini Extreme ISO: No output (720x480 on Feelworld)
Pi4->Seetec ATEM 156->ATEM Mini Extreme ISO: No output (720x480 on Seetec)

Where Field monitor is Sink (nothing on OUT)
Pi4->Feelworld: 720x480
Pi4->Seetec ATEM 156: 720x480

I haven’t tested with the Seetec and the Decklink, but my problems have mostly centered around: Pi4 and my ATEM Mini Extreme, and Pi3 and my Decklink.

From my testing, it appears that the field monitors are not correctly passing the EDID of the sink attached to their OUT. The main issue is when I run my Pi4 through my Seetec and on to the ATEM Mini Extreme. If I boot the Pi4 directly attached to the ATEM (which comes up at 360) and then move the connection to the Seetec, it will work and the Seetec will come up at 640x360.

So in my case, the Hypno plugged into either the Decklink or the Atem Mini both come up. If you’re not getting that to happen, I’m not sure any field monitor in the middle is going to help, but they’re pretty great anyway, so you should still get one. Super handy and I run mine on battery most of the time.

ETA: I tried setting preferred_width=640 in the Pi4’s config.txt but it still came up 720x480 on the Feelworld and no signal passed to the ATEM Mini.

I have an SDI DeckLink Duo, so I’m actually using a Blackmagic HDMI-SDI converter to connect them, perhaps that’s a problem. Although the HDMI-SDI converter does work just fine with the CM3 Hypno, so I know it’s capable of working.

I just connected the CM3 Hypno to my ATEM Mini Pro ISO and it worked fine. I then connected the Pi 4 Hypno to the ATEM and it said it was using a resolution of 640x360, but it was super laggy. Interestingly, if I disconnect the Pi 4 Hypno from the ATEM and connect it to the DeckLink Duo, it actually works there (but continues to be laggy). But if I boot it connected to the DeckLink, it doesn’t work.

Well, by “doesn’t work” I mean that it shows the initial boot screen and text, and then when it would switch to the graphic output, it just goes blank.

I can try forcing a 1920x1080 resolution, but I’m afraid it’s going to be laggy.

Ok, so the ATEM Mini’s (PRO/Extreme) only support 1080p and 720p resolutions at varying frame rates. Since 360p is half of 720p, I think that’s why it works there. 480p has no even multiples. I bet if Hypno supported 540p, it would lock in on the ATEM at 1080p.

As for why the decklink duo isn’t accepting a direct connected Hypno, I can only guess it’s the HDMI<->SDI converter. Does it have DIP switches or any other ways to tweak its operation?

Ok. I just set hypno_preferred_width=1920 in config.txt and now the Hypno is rendering at 640x360, and both the DeckLink Duo and ATEM are capturing Hypno video!

However, it’s clear that Hypno is now struggling to play MP4 videos. The framerate is somewhat low, and as soon as I enable the second oscillator, the framerate drops even further. Do you see this behavior as well? It doesn’t feel like videos were ever this laggy before. Hmmn.

If my video has titles, everything shows as expected with my ATEM Mini Pro ISO (Hypno CM3), but they get cut off when run through the FeelWorld L2 Pro. Not sure if I’m missing something on the L2. Boxing up for a home sale and too busy to do anything else atm.

I still love the L2 as I can blend Hypno and Eyesy. I just have to use un-titled video.

I’m not having the same experience. Got it to boot 360p THANK YOU and now I won’t need the splitter. The free videos off USB seem to be playing fine. The only real lag I’ve encountered is with a USB device gone wild (MIDI usually)