Post Your Hypno Jams!

Did this video all in Hypno with self modulation and midi tracks from Reaper in the same project with the audio.

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Found a colony of triangle fish, went pretty deep into it!


New Hypno owner and finally got everything set up: USB thumb drive & webcam working, CV inputs from the TR-8S and Hydrasynth, and MIDI control via the Digitone Keys. Took a short demo video to show off the starting point of my new visual setup.

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Just played a show and debut’d my visual setup based on the Hypno. The HDMI out is being split to three outputs: a TV, the project that is facing me, and a small display so I can monitor the feed. I had 2-3 presets for every song I played, had CV LFOs and triggers jacked into it, and tried to do some live jamming with it on top of my tunes as well.


I recently landed a radio show to play some improv techno on, so I’ll be focusing more on my audio stuff throughout this winter. In the meantime, I wanted to record the patches I currently have on my current setup before I begin to rewrite everything.

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I would love to post some jams but the files are enormous and I can’t figure out how to make them smaller without shrinking the screen size to the point that you can’t see anything.

I’m recording into OBS and processing with Final Cut Pro and Handbrake. This works well for chopping up short samples for Hypno work but a 3 minute video for distribution comes out around 100gb.

How are you getting 100gb files ? That’s insane …
I record to obs , and take down in hand break … even some of my longer vids are less than a gig …
At what stage are the files becoming some big ?
I’m not]familiar with finalcut .

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Sorry, that was a misprint. Meant to write mb.