OBS no longer seeing the Hypno

I was using OBS to record the Hypno before, but now it’s not working. I noticed DNI was no longer an option so I had to redownload it and install it. Now I see DNI but I am still not getting the signal from the Hypno to the computer.

Any recommendations?


Did you upgrade to a newer version of OBS? Sometimes features are changed or reconfigured

I did not upgrade OBS, but after I noticed it did not work, I then updated.

Should I revert to an older version?

I am also considering updating my computer OS. will that help, or harm?

is this a DNI issue?

thanks for your help


any other recommendations for how to fix this? It worked great before.


I tried this on an older computer and the same thing happened. It’s odd because it worked fine for several weeks.

Is this an NDI issue? (DNI idk what that is) Are you using a capture card? How is it hooked up?

according to this video:

I need to install both OBS and NDI, which I did. It worked great before for a few weeks. I just followed the directions on the video. not sure why all of the sudden it does not work. I did not update my OS.

ok youre trying to use NDI over LAN then: How is it hooked up? Describe the wiring please.

I have a USB 3 for power going to a power strip and a mini HDMI out going to a video capture HDMI to a USB C into the computer. I tested the HDMI out into a monitor and it works fine, so its not the. It must be the OBS or NDI issue. A few things I noticed that might solve this issue, usually, there is a red box that indicates my signal is getting to the OBS. Notice its a red square at the upper left.

Also, when I select + and NDI source,

I do not get HYPNO as a source name option. This used to work.

thanks for your help.

Sounds like this is NOT an NDI source at all but a hardware capture card input. You need to use the regular “Video Capture Device” source and look for the name of your capture device.

this is the “Video Capture Device” that I am using. It worked before

I also tried this: video capture device.

then NDI video. still the same.


perhaps my video capture device broke?

If it does not appear in the device dropdown then yeah most likely, also check with the card’s manufacturer’s page if it needs a driver for your OS

I guess I’ll get a new one. This is the one I got on Amazon:


think this is ok, or do you recommend a different one?


I have not used that one, so I can’t confirm that it works, but typically those generic HDMI capture cards are fine to use with Hypno