No luck so far with composite out Pi4 preassembled Hypno

Hi everybody,
I’m an absolute noob with Pi stuff, and bought a Hypno b/c it had CV capability (and it looks amazing, of course). When I put in my order, it stated that the device was capable of sending composite out, and that’s how I planned to use the unit exclusively. My whole video rig is composite and I have no way of integrating HDMI, besides a lone adaptor box I occasionally use to get my computer into my mixer.
Since my initial failure getting the unit to power on without an active HDMI source plugged in first, I have purchased a dedicated raspberry Pi power supply, and I have been trying to use a 1/8" to RCA TRRS breakout adaptor to get the composite video signal out of the box, but nothing seems to be working. I don’t have a microUSB card reader, so I haven’t been able to check the config file (there is no update switch on this model of RPi) but I would just assume that composite is available out of the box, since it lists composite video out as a feature of the Hypno on the shop website. Can any users confirm or deny that this should work upon arrival? It seems so strange that an advertised feature of this synth would be such a struggle to get going.
Strangely, I do have an HDMI to composite converter box, but even that doesn’t work with the Hypno. Like I said, it works with my computer just fine, runs into CRTs and my mixer and everything, but the converter box just outputs static (after the initial boot dialogue text). I have no way of getting the Hypno into composite at this point, and using HDMI really isn’t an option for me, as all of my gear is composite.
I really really really wanna be a hypno user, but am getting frustrated that I won’t ever get this thing to output a composite signal for me. I feel like I’m being a burden to poor Evan whose been my support tech, and I wanted to go ahead and reach out to the community to see if anyone has had any issues like this, and any success tackling them.

TL;DR - unit won’t power on without active HDMI signal, can’t get a composite signal to run no matter what, HDMI to composite converter outputs garbled signal post boot screen. haven’t inspected config file because I don’t have a micro sd card reader


Hey JG,
Hypno user here.

A. I also initially purchased Hypno thinking that I could get a composite video output but all the latest hardware uses HDMI only.

You won’t be able to get composite video out from any of the outputs and the CV jacks are output only from the Hypno. So no ability to split out a color signal from 1/8" like LZX hardware.

B. A problem I’ve never been able to fix is that my Hypno doesn’t get recognized by any of my other hardware glitch devices. I just get a dead/off video signal in my Big Pauper Modified Circuitry stuff.

Here are the workarounds I’ve implemented:

  1. The Hypno needs to detect an HDMI cable plugged in, in order for the unit to turn on. BUT it doesn’t need to be plugged in to anything on the other end. I have an HDMI plugged in to the Hypno, which isn’t plugged in to anything on the receiving end, and the Hypno still turns on.

This may help you if you can get the Hypno to turn on and THEN you plug in your HDMI>Comp converter. Hopefully this helps you get signal directly into your hardware rig.

  1. You mentioned that your HMDI>Comp converter works with your computer just fine. This was the same for my situation.

What I now prefer as a workflow is to record the Hypno into my computer. Once I have individual clips recorded- I run them out of my computer, through the HDMI converter, then through my hardware, then back into my computer.

This solution only requires a Video Capture Card to convert back from composite into HDMI. $30 on Amazon.

Solution #2 is more precise and allows for finer control over processing, similar to a music producer recording instrument parts first and then processing them one at a time from the computer. Ends up more polished and let’s you spend time setting up a patch on the Hypno before just randomly sending the Hypno out to get processed.

Hope that helps!

it isn’t enabled by default on pi4 hypno’s you need to edit the config file in the sd card. it says so in the manual.

Composite on PI4 requires enable_tvout=1 in config.txt

I have a PI4 and it says that a combo jack w/ adaptor is what you need for composite. i read through the manual several times and never saw that it had to be turned on by editing the config file. My microSD adaptor should be here tomorrow so hopefully editing the config file will work.

Where in the manual do you see that composite needs to be enabled on PI4?

i found where it says that - and I ALMOST have had luck fixing it. I’m getting the text to run via composite, now, but i’m having an error.

maybe I messed up, I kinda want to start fresh - does anyone know if I can get the default config text anywhere. I tried using the composite example from the manual and am getting this DRM error. I am SO CLOSE

Is that an old CRT monitor?

did you happen to get the composite output working? I feel like i’ve tried everything. Flashed the Pi4 with the correct img file 5 times now. Went in and manually confirmed the lines of code as mentioned elsewhere on the site. At a loss of what to do.


for NTSC users, a special firmware version has been released, but it disables the HDMI output. otherwise, best to buy a downscaler if you need the composite connection. Dropbox