Never slept so soundly

Just wanted to record my experience here because it’s been fantastic despite weirdness and most of it took place on chat. I think it deserves to be shown because the process and the outcome far exceeded my expectations.

I was on a preorder for the March batch, which shipped late. Then my package got lost in the sort or pickup or something… Then it arrived damaged, the case cracked… All of this is way out of Sleepy Circuit’s control, sadly. Parts supply is tight around the world for any electronics. Shipping logistics are difficult and sometimes stuff gets mishandled.

Nevermind any of that though. Truly. All throughout my laggy experience, any question I had, both Winston and Ron were right there to answer and assure, and see what they could do to assist.

As I waited I prepared, and researched this deep rabbit hole of modular synthesis, among other things. Now I have my Hypno, and some cracked plastic does not get in the way of brilliant visuals one iota. I spent hours on it last night after it arrived, and I’m beyond blissed out about it.

More than anything in this post, I wanted to publicly thank Ron and Winston for going above and beyond as a small company trying to support a niche product. They’ve been most kind and understanding. The way they act is not required, but it is greatly appreciated.

If you’re thinking about preordering a Hypno, you will not regret it. It will be worth every blessed cent. These folks are the best. They take care of you.


Thanks for your kind words Jacob! (and being patient with the setbacks we experienced)

BTW I dropped your replacement case in the mail just now. (you should get an email about this also)