Hi, I wanted to use my novation Launchpad mini mk3 to save and recall Hypno presets via midi. My Hypno (Pi4, firmware 2.4.4) recognizes midi messages when I use my midi keyboard for this, which sends NOTE_ON and NOTE_OFF midi messages. However, the Launchpad does not send NOTE_OFF messages, but NOTE_ON messages with a velocity of 0, which does not seem to work with the Hypno - it never recalls a preset when I hit a pad on the launchpad.
Pressing and releasing a pad on the launchpad looks like this in protokol:
I spoke to Novation support and they said “works as expected”:
What you’re seeing is actually expected behavior.
The Launchpad Mini MK3 follows the MIDI specification, which allows for two ways to send Note Off messages:
A dedicated “Note Off” message
A “Note On” message with a velocity of 0 (which is what the Launchpad uses)
This method is widely supported across MIDI devices and software, but if the device you’re trying to control does not recognize it as Note Off, you may need to check if there’s a setting or filter in place that expects explicit Note Off messages instead.
So… is there a way to get the Hypno to understand these kind of “note off” messages?
Hmm very strange, there is certainly already some code thats supposed to handle this case since this is also how the Elektron boxes operate and I often use these with Hypno myself, thanks for this report, looks like another person is having a similar problem potentially & I will need to investigate the code for bugs…
I’m not certain it is the standard but its something thats caught on with Elektron’s MIDI implementation and it sure is supposed to be working
Thanks for looking into this. To give more detail: When I press a note on the launchpad, the hypno starts saving the preset, the LEDs change accordingly, so it recognises the NOTE_ON. Indeed, when I keep the pad pressed, the hypno stores/saves the preset. But regardless of how short I press the pad after, it never recalls the saved preset, which is why I suspect it doesn’t recognize the NOTE_ON with vel 0 like a NOTE_OFF. When I connect my arturia keystep instead, which does NOTE_ON and NOTE_OFF, the hypno works as expected: Long press saves a preset, short press recalls it.
Oh and my Hypno came with firmware 2.3 and was already exhibiting this behavior. I hoped upgrading to 2.4.4 might solve this, but it did not.
I’m following this tread, because of an issue with the novation launchcontrol XL.
One that I and at least one other person on this forum are experiencing.
The hypno does not respond to it in any way.
Did everything the internet suggests including midi monitoring in Ableton and on my Akai MPC which show that everything is sent correctly.
I don’t have issues with any other midi controller. (Korg/Samson/Akai)