Mezzz by Sleepy Circuits at Superbooth (2023)


Hell yeah!

@SleepyRon any plans on a release date and price yet for Mezzz? Can it be operated while plugged-in/charging, and also via USB MIDI if we don’t wish to use Bluetooth?

Will Hypno receive any updates at the same time?

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Thanks for the post @Decima1 !!!

Mezzz can currently be operated while charging, I’m not sure about wired usb-midi operation as my attempts to get it working for this micro has given me trouble and I had to shelve it for now. I may just keep things simple and only support bt-midi to start since the whole point is for it to be wireless and handheld/worn to enable the haptic response. Its good to focus I think.

I’m hoping to figure out some dongle configuration so Mezzz is working great with Hypno (the bultin pi’s bt-midi implementation hasn’t given me much hope, its constantly dropping connections, mounting an antenna helps and improves range a bit but still weird drops abound).

Hypno will be pretty as-is for a bit. Once the time is right and the engine for the fruit OSes reaches feature parity w/ Hypno I will attempt to move the code over to the raspberry pi as it should work there also (maybe even better) as it is now a Vulkan based code. For now the old engine has a rich feature set which should be even better with Mezz with a to be determined dongle.

As you can tell there are still quite a few things to iron out so I am not committing on a release date just yet, once I have a better idea and a narrower release window to announce I will open preorders to see how many should be made. Price will be loosely around half of a Hypno, still finalizing parts.

Edit: The bluetooth dongle (WIDI Bud) works well with Mezzz/Hypno!

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WIDI tech is great for bt, I think they may have tech you can embed if you contact them. But it adds a big cost so wired USB is also nice.