In-depth manual really needed

Hi guys. Thank you and congratulations for such an amazing and fun piece of gear that is our beloved Hypno!

You made it, and did it great!

Now, I think it is the time for you to sit down, relax, and redact an in-depth manual explaining all the features and functions.

I need to have a detailed manual explaining every aspect, every connection, every way to achieve what I need (preset system, USB loading-saving, image/video importing, etc, etc, etc…) everything!

I think the Hypno deserves it, and having to dive into not-so-deep tutorials and forums to find the way something is done and not finding the right answer… is kind of frustrating.

So please, will you make a detailed Manual? I would appreciate it, and even pay something for it in case you’d need it.


Thank you,


Hello angel, welcome to the forum!

We have been working on a for a long time now trying to include as much info as possible for users. Have you had a chance to explore this resource?

Can you go into specifics how you find the GitBook Manual page lacking?

This page includes written and video guides for Hypno’s functions (except some of the newer stuff launched this week). The pdf link has the latest overview manual (last updated this week), that goes over all of the features found on the device. The idea is that users should start there and more details are found on the wiki which is quicker to update and iterate on.

There is also a suite of in depth video tutorials we have been producing see the “In depth sleepy tutorials” on the page above.

Just today @SleepyBrian has launched an in depth workflow example and tutorial vlog on USB video loading.

I welcome your and the community’s feedback on how to improve these resources as I assure you the sleepy team takes docs very seriously. In fact, thats a good chunk of what @sleepybrian and I spend time on. We do our best to keep documentation updated (plz consider we are constantly adding new features and we are a tiny team)

I am also continuously working on developing the “help-mode” found in the Hypno itself to be a more “on-the-fly” documentation.

Edit: I would also like to add that I encourage you to enter the chat (see link at top of page) and ask specific questions so we may lead you to the correct resource, Hypno is a pretty deep product and most aren’t coming from a hardware/video background so I can relate to the terminology/info overload.

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Angel as someone who just received the Hypno Kit I kinda felt the same way as I unboxed the Hypno; how can I possibly remember all these functions without a comprehensive manual?

BUT… having played with the Hypno for a full week the lack of a big ol’ manual has encouraged me to dive in, play around, experiment and use my imagination!

I actually think the lack of a conventional manual is a stroke of genius!

Sometimes a manual can be a bit prescriptive. Use the included sheets as a quick visual reminder for what does what then go and play, experiment and tinker. It took me about 4 hours in total to remember exactly how to access what I wanted and now I feel like I know my Hypno really well.

I hope you feel similarly confident in time :raised_hands:


Glad to hear youre getting along with it!

The reason I decided to invest into hosting a gitbook wiki is because its the new convention with many modern projects/products. I see this wiki style doc format used a lot in Web3 projects and open source nowadays. (Also the search on gitbook is VERY good compared to alternatives.)

In my ideal world you wouldn’t even need to use the wiki and the synth itself would tell you how to use it, but thats gonna take some more time to achieve.

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Hi Ron. Thanks for responding! Yeah, I have to say I might have been a bit impulsive when I submitted this topic. I know there is info about it, and that there is a manual, and some video tutorials. I am a person who prefers to read a manual instead of watching videos when learning a machine or piece of gear. I don’t use the Hypno every week, and I need to refresh shorcuts and functions from time to time. So… today when I saw there was a new firmware and I decided to download it, I did not know wich of the 2 (Pi3 or Pi4) I needed. I think it is the Pi3 (I bought it assembled and in the first pre-porder batch). Then I decided I needed to save my presets, but could not find a proper explanation on how to do it. Then, I saw the DIY kits come with more connectios, and I thought that maybe I prefer that model which seems better with more connection/possibilities, but couldn’t find more info on that. Anyway, I will dig deeper into all the info resources available and will print myself a manual with shorcuts and else… Thank you again and keep on doing/being great! I really enjoy playing with the Hypno.

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HI, noodle. Yeah, I will get myself more time to dig in and play with it.

Thanks, and enjoy!

I am a person who prefers to read a manual instead of watching videos when learning a machine or piece of gear

I hope the wiki fulfills this need moving forward, it can be hard to find info in a huge monolithic manual and Hypno has a lot of features so an exhaustive giant paper stye doc can potentially add to confusion so I opted to make compact overview graphics for the paper mannual.

I did not know wich of the 2 (Pi3 or Pi4) I needed. I think it is the Pi3 (I bought it assembled and in the first pre-porder batch)

This is a growing pains thing sorry about that this was a recent complication and I heard this from one other user already. Actually this morning before reading this I added a box to the top of the page clarifying this. Based on your feedback I also added a note about how to save presets to USB just now, its meant to be auto-magic but I understand that that can also make things opaque.

I saw the DIY kits come with more connectios, and I thought that maybe I prefer that model which seems better with more connection/possibilities, but couldn’t find more info on that.

A comparison chart between the models can be found on the top of Hypno FAQ

Thanks so much, Ron. You’re very helpful.

Have a super-weekend!

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Though I’m fine with an online manual, I’m having the most difficulty with finding relevant information. There were numerous occasions so far that because of how things are organized I couldn’t find answers to…
Small example: the truncated descriptions for Button Patching and Preset System are on a page titled Feedback Page.

Maybe a table of contents would be helpful for both the manual and the git docs…

Diving in can only get you so far…I love noodling and just turning knobs but I also love understanding how I might go about getting an output that I imagined before turning the Hypno on.

Noted. Gitbook wiki has table of contents for every single page on the right (image below), you may need to zoom out the browser window if you dont see it.

There are video guides for both Button Patching and Presets under Manual → UI Concepts as shown below.

We are also currently re-making and releasing all of these videos via social to keep up to date with recent patch info.

The PDF manual is admittedly a bit crowded due to it having to fit on a printout. I’m open to your more specific suggestions on wording organization in the wiki (we are due for an overhaul of that page v soon as mentioned above) and hopefully we will get some more ideas on how to better organize the PDF from there.

Good to know, thanks!