Hello. Having an issue powering on.
Hypno (white case model) has worked in the past.
Went to use today and it will not power on.
I confirmed HDMI cable is good and monitor is accepting of the feed from laptop.
Tried the same usbC 5V-3A wall plug I always use, tried powering from the laptop for and getting no lights anywhere. Tried flipping the update switch incase it was wrong and no luck either way.
Hello and welcome to the forum, For this type of specific individual troubleshooting we ask that you please contact us at support@sleepycircuits.com that way we can create a ticket and escalate if need be.
When you do this please send along a phone video of the bootup sequence and send as many specs about your setup as you can (pictures of the psu ratings, target display datasheet, if you have tried flashing before)
Hello and thank you for the quick reply! I apologize for the delay in mine.
I saw all the information about the specificity of the power cord and decided to order a new one to the specs with a power button to replace the random one that had worked in the past that lived with the Hypno - just in case.
The new cord worked perfectly first try. One more vote for using the right cord !
100% User error. Thank you again for the support.