Hypno plays video for a second or so, then stops

Hi there, this is my first post here so forgive me if this isn’t the correct way to ask this question… I’m trying to get my Hypno playing back video videos, so I converted a video using Handbrake as mentioned in the video guide, put it on a flash drive, and got the Hypno to play it! But it only plays for a second or so, then stops and the “video shape” goes away and I have to unplug and replug the flash drive to do the whole song and dance over again (still only playing for a second each time.) Am I missing something here?

Here’s a video of what I’m seeing happen:


Hey there, looks like the USB port on the front might be bugging out at that angle.

Might be best to look for some sort of dongle and place it on a flat surface. I have the very same issue with a card reader. It’s always weird when it’s sticking off the edge of the computer, but fine when it sits flat.

Well, I tried several different USB drives and I even went out and bought a couple different OTG adapters and I keep having the same result no matter what. I don’t think it’s a bad USB connection since it’s so dang consistent. It will play about 1 second of video then stop, every time I plug it in. I’ve tried a few videos too, even some of the official Sleepy video packs all with the same result.

Here’s a video of me trying to plug it in as flat as possible with the same results. It seems like the Hypno is just giving up on playing the video for some reason. Also maybe of note, sometimes when I plug in the USB drive, the hypno will actually “crash” and will show the RPi terminal prompt. So it feels like something is happening where loading the video is making the Hypno crash for some reason? I’ll try reinstalling the firmware, maybe that will help…

If it’s consistent, it’s likely a firmware bug. Please update to the latest firmware for the cm3/pi3 model, and if that’s not working out, send an email to support and arange a repair.

Thanks for your help! I was able to update my Hypno, but the same thing is still happening no matter what I try… I should also mention that a long time ago (years ago) I tried out videos with Hypno and it worked just fine, so I think maybe something broke somehow I dunno. I’ll contact support.

I dunno if this helps, but here’s a photo of the console output that shows when the video playing causes the hypno to crash (sorry my TV cuts it off…)