Hypno Influenced by Pulsar-23? Maths?

Hello! I’m brand new to the Hypno and modular synthesis in general and need some guidance please.

I have a Soma Pulsar-23 on the way which I’m pretty excited about and I’m wondering how I can use this with the Hypno, considering the Hypno is the standard 5v and the Pulsar is 10v. My understanding is I would require an attenuator of some sort to get it to a useable 5v. Is that correct?

I was looking at possibly combining the Hypno with a Make Noise Maths module. Will this give me the attenuation I need along with more functionality for the Hypno in general? It seems to be what everyone points to for a general starter module. If that’s the case I’d love to see a video showing off the Maths with the Hypno. Perfect for beginners!


Hey welcome to the forum!

Triggers will probably be fine since in theory Hypno should clamp them, CVs will definitely need to be attenuated 1/2 to scale into the standard eurorack -5-5v range. Hopefully someone around here has a pulsar to speak to the most effective way to do this.

I can’t speak to Maths because I have never had one. For function generation my personal favorite is Stages, I have seen @Winston use Zadar with good effect also. May want to check out this thread: Our Favorite Eurorack modulators for Hypno

Please make sure to check out docs.sleepycircuits.com and the videos linked there from our youtube there are a number of videos on how to implement hypno in setups with a few other pieces of gear so maybe that will get the wheels turning for ya. This is a great vid to start with to get some concepts down: How to Create Audiovisuals with Moog Mother-32 and Hypno - YouTube