Hypno Firmware 2.1.5

Is there any way to disable the catching behavior, or at least have a setting I can change? I’d be totally happy with having the value change the moment I change the control, for all knobs. If there’s an issue with changes being accidentally changed, perhaps you can introduce a minor dead zone before a change is made? The new behavior feels awkward to me (just like the Gain control always felt awkward to me)

If you allowed us to edit a JSON/YAML file on the Hypno to adjust some settings, that would be amazing.

Did you see my comment about the default aspect ratio? This isn’t a huge problem, since I can just adjust it for both oscillators and save that as a “default” preset, but it still feels awkward.

And the Osc A/B zoom differences are really weird. Any idea what might be causing that?

Another issue I’ve noticed: when adjusting the feedback of one oscillator into another, the center detent of the fader is almost never zero feedback. I find it REALLY hard to get it to be zero feedback. Can you increase the dead zone in the middle for that setting?


Re Catching: I changed this based on customer request, I think it will be impossible to satisfy everyone with this but I think catching on the gain is necessary.

Will work on aspect ratio/zooms. ( I use this page as a sort of checklist, so if I don’t respond to something means I am not ready to realistically address it until i find time to sit down and take a hard look at some code, otherwise I consider these threads in their entirety )


Ok, cool. Some kind of configuration file with settings for catching would be great, if it’s possible. Thanks!

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A few more 2.1.5 issues:

  1. Changing the video shape aspect ratio also changes the aspect ratio when you polarize the shape with the polarization knob. Which is a bummer, because I don’t ever want the polarization to appear warped, but I do want 16:9 video to appear at the native aspect ratio
  2. Cropping vertically (knobs 5/6) in the Video Input Page works like I’d expect (smoothly), but Cropping horizontally (knobs 7/8) doesn’t seem to account for the “Pot 1: Drift” position, so there’s a lot of spastic movement when cropping. It would be nice if Hypno could make this change more smoothly. I don’t know how you’ve written your drift code, but if you clamp the current drift position to the position modulo the screen width (or 2x the screen width, since you mirror the image), it should never get really huge, and maybe that will make cropping feel less jumpy.
  3. Once I’ve turned up the Video Input Page Lumakey Min control, even if I turn it all the way down again, it doesn’t completely reset the lower bound to zero, and video still shows through the blackest areas. This doesn’t happen if I change the Lumakey Max by turning it down and back up. When I do that, the white goes back to being fully opaque. It’s only the Lumakey Min control that won’t reset.

And some general comments, I don’t know if these are new issues, but they seem weird:

  1. How do you turn off feedback once it’s been enabled? I can’t figure out how to do it. Maybe it’s that FB Zoom, Rotation, X and Y offsets all have a center detent (that could be made larger IMO) but once you adjust FB Rotation Modulation it seems impossible to “undo”
  2. I’ve noticed that if I connect a powered USB OTG hub to the front input and power down my Eurorack system, Hypno stays powered up. Is there any problem with Hypno being powered by both the Eurorack system and a powered USB OTG hub at the same time? I just want to double-check.

Either way, I used the Hypno for a 2 hour set tonight, and it looked awesome! Twitch


This is actually a default on all the Hypno shapes (so that feedback never actually draws over any foreground shape and makes clearer trails). So pure blacks are always keyed out globally for the sake of there never being a mode where the feedback appears to do nothing.

How do you turn off feedback rotation mod once it’s been enabled?
The knob resets the modulation to the last value of the FB Rotation control (think of the modulation as adding on top of this. To reset you should set fb rotation and modulation to 12 o’clock.

I will play with the center deadzones all around. Maybe entering the deadzone on the FB Rotation Mod should force set the FB Rotation to zero?

Is there any problem with Hypno being powered by both the Eurorack system and a powered USB OTG hub at the same time?

This should be ok and allow for more current on the bus, even recommended if you’re using a lot of USB accessories.

[Aspect Ratio things]

I will work on passing values around correctly to the aspect correction routines since the current default is 1:1.

Good find on the polarization aspect being adjusted too, thats definitely a bug.

When a preset is recalled, it’s close, but not the same.

I see what you mean from the video, I have identified that this is because internal mod clock states are not saved in the preset data. Will fix.

Cropping horizontally … there is a lot of spastic movement when cropping.

Not sure how to solve this yet math wise (keeping things centered is a moving target with all these features lol) but I will be looking into this. The crop is currently based on the true origin of the texture so it is offsetting this control in a weird way when drift is enabled.

JSON/YAML file on the Hypno to adjust some settings

I won’t be working on this for the next patch but I will consider some kind of configuration UI in the future. I agree that the scanning a knob to catch can be kinda weird but I think it enforces some nice rails for performances.


+1 for some sort of JSON/YAML config – that would be awesome!

I am experiencing an issue not previously logged I don’t think. I have two video input devices: a webcam and an HDMI->USB capture. Both work wonderfully and I got from recommendations here on the forum.

If I unplug one and plug in the other, it does not work. I have to reboot the Hypno for it to work.

I expected that when the first device was unplugged, the video input color on whichever side I was using it would revert to a sine (red), and plugging in the next device would elicit the same interaction as freshly plugging in any video device.

We’re unable to replicate this issue so far. I have an HDMI capture card and a Logitech webcam and switching between them doesn’t require a reboot for me.

What exactly happens when you disconnect a video source?

Anything else specific you can describe about your setup will also be useful to figuring out what the issue is.

Sure, I have tried it between 3 devices, all sporadically experiencing the same issue. While recording a quick clip to show this issue occurring, I experienced a successful disconnect & reconnect, but preceded and followed by failed attempts.

USB HDMI capture card: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DTDSJYP
Logitech C270: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004FHO5Y6
MHL adapter for phone: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q4CGCHF (not demonstrated)

Video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/PPpRqiXjAZ22MhWg6

Apologies for the length. A chunk of it is getting symptom to occur multiple times and rebooting the Hypno.

I just realized, even though the video might show it all, I did not fully describe exactly what happens.

When it fails, the color signifying the video input mode for that oscillator does not change back to red. It stays the same. The video output does one of several things – it goes dead for the oscillator entirely (other oscillator still works), partially where some modes work, or just the video input mode is frozen on the last frame before disconnect and all other modes still work. Reconnecting the same device or a different device does not matter, neither successfully connect.

How much power are you providing the unit? For utilizing the video input we recommend using a 2A power supply when powering via USB.

That is definitely a variable. I experienced this while plugged into usb ports on a power strip. I’ll be sure to watch out for that. Good to note!

I tried to use video input through a powered hub, but the one I purchased recently has not worked for this application except as power pass through.

Hypno’s USB ports are 2.0 only, that hub is 3.0, so it may not be compatible.

Let us know if you’re able to test a more robust power supply, like an iPad charger or similar.

Tested today with Eurorack power and did not have any issues. I’ll try a different hub as well. Thanks!


Just tried this also and I am able to switch UVC usb camera to capture card and back on a hub while powering hypno off of my macbook quite reliably (this is all also while running an ethernet adapter for debug/ndi but i dont recommend my config live because you start to hit the limits of USB 2.0 speeds and get camera glitches).

From experience it seems the capture cards will work less stably in certain usb configs because they appear to need more current. I will also get a brief freeze when plugging in my UVC camera but I believe this is because the hypno will start reading frames before the camera controller will start populating the memory map.

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