Hypno 2.3-Release

@Olivanilia Looks like your unit is crashing when opening video usb0/Telefon/._VID_20220720…

Something about unsupported file format or compression.

Please try with only the supplied videos without changing file/folder names and lmk if that works ok for you?

Also I’m not sure if its a display glitch of the program or not but dont start video file names with a dot, this is linux wide considered a hidden file so this may cause issues.

I will retest midi asap

Sure enough MIDI is broke, thanks all, my bad, re uploading ASAP. Wrong flag :man_facepalming:

Also apologies in general that this firmware came out kinda buggy its top priority for me to set up a more standardized testing this year for many reasons (hopefully with a dedicated person running this eventually).

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will you post on here when the midi fix is finished? midi worked REALLY well with the previous firmware. Is that archived? I can put that back on until this is sorted out. Thanks much!

gonna try it now again

I tried again, for the third time and unfortunately it still gives me an error :-))

@larkbrns Yes I will post it here once its ready.

@YairK This looks like an incomplete download. Are you able to extract the firmware .gz archive once you have downloaded it?

Definitely loving all the new things we got with this one!! It’ll be the way we need it in no time I’m sure :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Hey :slight_smile:
I’ll give you the full details:

The first time I downloaded the file , I DID indeed have an uncompleted download problem,
but didn’t try to flash it, just downloaded again and all went well.
I had no problems with extracting.
The flashing itself gives me one of two warnings, either the one i screenshot for you about the archive possibly being corrupted, or a different warning about “Offset out of range…”
The flashing doesn’t always stop because of possible corrupted archive.

I downloaded the file three times I think, and all the downloading went well.
It’s just the flashing that gives me one of the mentioned errors.


After downloading and extracting do you have at least 32GB remaining on your computer’s storage? the computer will need about that much space (in worst case) left over to be able to copy everything over correctly.

Awesome! Thanks! I am eagerly awaiting the midi fix with the new updates. Cheers,

yah,I have around 5 TB available

Hey y’all, I re-uploaded the firmware and went through my testing checklists, MIDI appears to be working now and the inout file crashing/navigation bug reported by @[Olivanilia] has been fixed (https://forum.sleepycircuits.com/u/Olivanilia) (2.3 link was replaced on firmware page).

@YairK not sure exactly sure then, those where all my usual troubleshooting steps. There may be something else thats going wrong with your setup. Probably worth another try to download the updated image and watch the download carefully to make sure everything downloads and extracts completely. You may also try different USB hubs or a different wired connection arrangement (removing hubs etc.).

The new firmware is great so far :slight_smile:

Any plans to make hue controllable via Hypno’s internal modulation? As someone who does not have a lot of CV gear, I think this would make patching standalone a lot more interesting!

Thank you! Everything is fine now! :star_struck:

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I like this suggestion def have thought about it before its just the palette selection works entirely differently in the engine than the other controls so I would have to spend some more time on that

When I turn the hue knob, it’s auto-pushing the feedback hue shift to max (and looks like it may be affecting hue offset as well based on the glitchy help mode text.)

It’s also happening when I toggle through the filter modes.

Hey thanks for your report, I didn’t get your reply on the chat so can you please clarify:

  1. Is the glitchy text thing happening with help text on? Does turning it off make it disappear?

  2. There is no such thing as a filter mode, do you mean feedback mode? holding the center (feedback mode) button and turning hue controls the hue shift. I didn’t see this issue in the video you submitted on the chat. Can you please post for me another snippet of this hue shift glitch happening and describe list of steps so I can try to recreate it?

1] the glitch mostly went away with help menu off, though there were a few small clusters of errant pixels. I powered down and back up without the usb and it as fine again.

2] Meant feedback, sorry about that. Will try to post a vid today.

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Hello there,

I know I’m a little late to the party, but I decided to update my CM4 Hypno just now, mainly because it started having a bug where none of the button combination with the right slider is working anymore (even with MIDI CC).

The problem is I tried to update the unit all day, and it doesn’t work. I’m of course using the release2 available on the website, and when I select the unzipped image, I get the “too small” message, so I only could try to flash it with the zipped file, taking close to an hour at each try.

Every single time the flashing fails at the last seconds, here’s what balena’s displaying :

I’m on MacOs Ventura 13.2.

Hey, What size is your computer reporting the CM4 has?

You may also be running out of space on your computer, I would recommend to unzip and delete the zip file and make sure you have double the space of the firmware left on your computer to ensure enough swap space for the transfer.

Never heard of the slider bug above but thats probably best debugged outside of this thread since its may not be a firmware issue (could be a stuck/malfunctioning button).