I received my unit yesterday, 12/24. Do I have 2.6 already or need to update?
NDI input, is that supported? I thought I saw somewhere that it was but could be mistaken.
I’ve seen the functionality of the 5v inputs at the bottom of the unit and want to try it out. Can I plug my OP1 into it or even a cell phone playing an mp3? I’m sure this is a dumb question. If not, what’s the entry level way to get music or sound inputs into it?
It is my understanding that NDI is output only and only through the front USB port. To get a video signal in, that would be also through the front USB port as well.
As for the jacks towards the bottom, they’re for CV modulation. I suppose you could use an audio signal here if it was of an appropriate strength. These jacks are expecting eurorack signal levels.
There are some pretty great tutorial videos on the sleepy circuits website. Definitely worth watching.
Just confirming because I don’t want to break it, I can plug my cellphone or an OP1 into it? I’m worried about blowing the circuit with too much voltage, but then I’m not familiar with what voltage those output at. I did some research and it looks like it’d be ok, but again, really don’t want to break this.
Sending signal through an envelope follower / slew is recommended for audio signals, this is why i usually recommend envelope follower module like the befaco instrument interface
Go deeper into it with frequency based envelope following via filters or 4ms SMR for more control.
I tried sending audio out of machinedrums aux out via 1/4" mono jack to small jack into hypno and it triggerd it at full vol. It worked, triggerd the hypno without any extra amplification. Class