Controlling vidOS from another iOS device

I’ve been having fun with vidOS using two iOS devices, here’s how I set it up:

iPhone Xs running vidOS and sharing video to my Roku stick on my tv via AirPlay. You’ll want to keep the device running vidOS plugged in or your session will be short!

iPad Pro (2nd gen) sends midi to the iPhone

Midimittr is a free app and allows you to send Bluetooth midi between the devices - you’ll need it on both machines. midimittr - MIDI connectivity on iOS and OSX

Getting a Bluetooth midi connection is a bit of a black art. I have a WIDI Bud Pro on order that should make things a bit easier - may have to get 2!

Make sure your bluetooth is turned on on both devices, but don’t bother with the System Settings Bluetooth connections.

Go in and advertise the iPad and iPhone as a bluetooth midi in Midimitter and connect from either.

You’ll see the connections in the midi ports pane.

On the iPad I made a controller in Surface Builder - ‎Surface Builder on the App Store

using the maps for the Mezzz. I had to set a button up as a toggle button to send a midi note to make the Camera Menu go away. Regular button wouldn’t work.

Surface Builder controllers seem to work better in a host - I use AUM. - ‎AUM - Audio Mixer on the App Store

Load Surface Builder as a midi track then load your preset.

The iPhone should show up in AUM as an output device, Route midi from Surface Builder to the iPhone. vidOS wants input on midi channel 16.

I’ve also used Rozeta LFO to send modulated midi signals to vidOS to give some of the parameters some life. - ‎Rozeta Sequencer Suite on the App Store

Remember to hit play in AUM to activate Rozeta LFO.

Ribn is a free app and sends midi modulation and/or static controls to vidOS works in a really cool way - just run your finger up and down the ribbon and it records your movement and plays it back in a loop. I really wish this was an auv3 with more ribns. ‎Ribn on the App Store

Also able to screen record the vidOS output on the iPhone. My iPhone shows the white bar along the side of the screen (used to exit the app since the silly thing has no home button).

There is a complex way to make this go away -

Start your screen recording before beginning Guided Access!

Short screen grab from the other night - not sure how I got here. I dig the flat colors! (Reminder to self - take screen shots of the controllers or save the silly things!)

It would be nice of the vidOS app had the option to hide that white bar.

A reset midi cc would be really nice. (May be possible from software).

I just downloaded MusiKraken and can’t wait to try it with vidOS and my Hypno as well - it enables some crazy methods of control - from simple keyboards to face control, hand gestures, data from roll, pitch, yaw, etc -

Does anyone know of a software midi controller that can do math? Generate random numbers, or turn a pair of buttons (say on a game controller) into +/- signals?


This is awesome, thanks so much for taking the time to share! I was able to get this set up last weekend following your clear instructions and a swift purchase of Surface Builder. vidOS is insane! :star_struck:

One thing I was trying to work out was the midi cc number for B: Hue and B: X Rotation? I couldn’t see them listed on the CC Map Sheet?

It would be nice to get Mezzz or similar at some point. I’ve just recently picked up a Hypno so this allows me to get acquainted with vidOS in the mean time.

Thanks again :+1:

Interesting setup here, good to see y’all finding new ways to enjoy the app!

@lbrooks a midi reset can be simulated by sending zeroes to all the values in this particular version of vidOS (though this likely will not work in the future as the controls could use some better default value system)

Good catch X rotation is missing in the chart my b I will make sure to fix that; in the meantime the numbers seen next to controls here are also the cc numbers: vidOS Control Map iOSv11@4x-100.jpg

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Thanks Ron, much appreciated.

Thanks Ron! I was wondering if the default value was 0 or 64.

I’m also looking for the CC numbers for B: X Rotation and A: Hue (I do see B: Hue in the map sheet). The link to the vidOS Control Map iOSv11 in the post above doesn’t seem to work, can anyone perhaps post them here?

My best guess:

B: X rotation = 32

A: Hue = 49

the link for the updated map is on the docs page - vidOS Maps & Docs | Sleepy Circuits

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I looked into it more and I can confirm your guesses were accurate.
I also noticed that B: Chrominance = CC24 (not 19, as in the map).

Furthermore these don’t seem to do much:
15: B: Master Scale
25: B: Z Rotation
63: A: Master Scale

But maybe I’m not testing it right.

master scales are best set after the base shape parameters since thats a meta scale on all of those

Z rotation may not be visible on all shapes due to symmetry

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I can’t seem to get any response out of VidOS using this method now. I have checked the Surface Builder template, and mapped a hardware midi controller. Double checked and I am using Midi Channel 16. Check Bluetooth settings. Everything is mapped as it should be. When I turn a knob, the intro page for VidOS disappears as if it is receiving something but none of the controls have any effect. Not sure what’s changed but it’s a proper head scratcher. :rofl: