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Our Twitch Account:

Sleepstream - Every First and 3rd Sunday, 6pm
AV Art Performances and Discussion

1st Sunday - Preformance
Would anyone be interested in being a guest AV performer?

3rd Sunday - Discussion/Interviews
Share techniques? Discuss certain gear/setup? guests?

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How is Twitch for streaming AV stuff? I’ve always streamed to Facebook, and it’s felt pretty underwhelming to me.

Did a few tests yesterday.

The web UI is confusing BUT I like the way the streams are presented to consumers. YouTube works great too, more minimal.

No differences in stability, all are a standard RTMP stream I believe

i broadcast almost nightly on YouTube with my project Astrogenic Hallucinauting.

it’s a series of noiz performances called: LATE NIGHT NOIZ FOR LATE NIGHT FIENDS

my channel is here: The Noiz Temple

and here is the ever growing playlist:

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Looks cool, what is your setup for making these?

i’m posting a pic in the OBS setup thread.

I did my first Hypno stream tonight. I made some patches on my eurorack with the hypno providing background visuals. Looking forward to streaming more with it!


not much live streaming, but I’ve been putting up some hypno experiments on my youtube page. check it out and let me know what you think :slight_smile:

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Nice! Im glad people are able to get streaming with Hypno so quickly!

Since I last posted here, I’ve been streaming on Twitch every Thursday from 9-10pm EST. I use Hypno in every stream or video I create.

Here’s my channel:

Note that this coming week, Sept 3 (tomorrow!), I’ll be streaming a set with 4 other performers as part of the NYMS Monthly Showcase from 8-10pm EST.


Come check it out!


Followed! I just did a stream with the Hypno while playing around on the Matriarch. Here’s my channel if you want to check it out:

We normally stream interactive greenscreen comedy, but have been on hold with quarantine so we’ve started doing remote music streams. We’ll be streaming tomorrow at 7pm PST! My friend is going to be live looping drums and I’m going mix live visuals on the Hypno.

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Hey all!

Streaming reactive audio DJ sets using the Hypno for visuals!

Picking up the audio using a Sewastopol and having it trigger a Divkid ochd for different lfo’d parameters to the music :).