NDI + OBS Setup & Troubleshooting Guide for Mac

Because you’re using a 1080p monitor, Hypno divides down the output and causes it to output at 640x360. Try using a different monitor or resolution setting and see if that helps.

Hi folks! I just got the Hypno with the Pi4 but have not been able to get it going.

I’ve attempted connection to TV via HDMI and M1 Mac in a few ways. The TV came close, where it showed a rainbow screen, and then seemed to be initializing some code that scrolled by, but it was stuck in that loop and never did anything else.

On the Mac I I thought a Micro HDMI to USB-C situation would work but I am getting nothing in NDI Video Monitor, it’s just a black screen. Powered via an iphone adapter from the USB C port (it lights up, this same way I used to power it to go into the TV).

Any thoughts are super appreciated. I noted the order of operations and made sure the HDMI was hooked up first too.

Are you sure you are looking for an NDI connection? you mentioned using HDMI multiple times which is not a protocol associated with NDI (what you need is a network connection for NDI).

Perhaps you could get away with using a capture card for your use case which is a bit higher quality.

Sounds like there may be a TV compatibility issue hiding in there also, what is your target TV? What EDID modes does it support?

Thanks Ron, I got a capture card and it’s recognized in OBS without going through NDI. Exciting times ahead!

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